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Author:  Bifurk8 [ 05 Oct 2011, 00:39 ]
Post subject:  I can confirm the AMD Rage

I can confirm the AMD Rage performance drivers released this evening have fixed the awful texture-streaming issues without introducing the same artifacting/flickering that the release earlier in the day caused. I had one crash due to video card drivers not responding but have been running trouble-free since turning off Crossfire. I'm currently running 5760x1080 with no AA with FOV upped to 95 with good performance.

Author:  lowdog [ 05 Oct 2011, 01:00 ]
Post subject:  Does someone want to try

Does someone want to try forcing the DOOM III OpenGL profile through RadeonPro to see if they can get cfx working......I won't have the game till tomorrow so I can't test it. Would be interesting to see if it works. DOOM3 idtech4 engine and Rage is idtech5 so it may work???

Author:  thales100 [ 05 Oct 2011, 01:34 ]
Post subject:  This game needs one of those

This game needs one of those big and fat patches, some textures look just horrible, ala PS1.

Author:  Ryukan [ 05 Oct 2011, 02:34 ]
Post subject:  The new Rage drivers improved

The new Rage drivers improved the texture popping a decent amount for me although I still see a bit of it here and there, especially in Wellspring. Still seeing a real problem with V-synch even with if forced on as there is noticable screen tear or perhaps it is really slow v-synching. Also the lack of Crossfire support for the game and within the game is depressing. Played the game through the first mission in the bandit camp and the game was enjoyable, but going to let it sit until it gets some patch and CAP love.

Author:  cerealkeller [ 05 Oct 2011, 11:33 ]
Post subject:  Yep, this game needs v sync

Yep, this game needs v sync badly. I tried forcing it on from the NvCP, but no luck. Actually, I did have luck until they released the SLI profile for the game. I can run it in surround now, with popping textures and tearing. I'm tempted to let this game sit until they patch it, and play Gears 3 on the 360 and Resistence 3 on the PS3. And there's the Portal 2 DLC, can't forget that.

I'm so disappointed with this game. After about a decade you'd think it would have been good. Boderlands and Fallout NV are both better than this by a lot.

Author:  thales100 [ 05 Oct 2011, 11:45 ]
Post subject:  cerealkeller wrote:I'm so

I'm so disappointed with this game. After about a decade you'd think it would have been good. Boderlands and Fallout NV are both better than this by a lot.

Same here, unfortunately. :tired:

Author:  tet5uo [ 05 Oct 2011, 13:36 ]
Post subject:  Lovely

Lovely :)

New nvidia profile forces Vsync off, so there must be some issue there, and it also forces single GPU rendering. SLI only works with up to two cards and the second one is only doing the GPU trancode CUDA work, so it only gets some usage when you move your POV to a new area. This doesn't help as it actually has more micro-stutter and doesn't feel smooth, so I let the game just use one GPU for all and it's much better.

Author:  thales100 [ 05 Oct 2011, 13:41 ]
Post subject:  What new Nvidia profile ? Btw

What new Nvidia profile ? Btw game will run only in windowed mode here, dont know if its caused by my 3-way SLI setup. :doh

Author:  tet5uo [ 05 Oct 2011, 13:48 ]
Post subject:  thales100 wrote:What new

What new Nvidia profile ? Btw game will run only in windowed mode here, dont know if its caused by my 3-way SLI setup. :doh

NV pushed out a game profile for RAGE to their drivers with the NVupdater tool. If yours is set to automatically download these you should have it already.

Author:  thales100 [ 05 Oct 2011, 14:03 ]
Post subject:  Ok thanks, ill check it

Ok thanks, ill check it later.

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