Widescreen Gaming Forum

Alpha Protocol - Not Multi monitor
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Author:  Sofmisfortune [ 09 Jun 2010, 00:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol - Not Multi monitor

Hey guys,
I am having the same issue with mens and mini games
and leaves the game unplyable in eyefinity. Has anyone found a solution?

Author:  Dyre Straits [ 09 Jun 2010, 02:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol - Not Multi monitor

Hey guys,
I am having the same issue with mens and mini games
and leaves the game unplyable in eyefinity. Has anyone found a solution?

What resolution are you attempting to use?

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 09 Jun 2010, 07:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol - Not Multi monitor

Alpha Protocol is Vert- for me, too (GetGames version, 5040x1050 TH2G)... with cut-off menus and everything :|





I can't find a way to alter the FOV, but there is an equally interesting and scary variable in DocumentsAlpha ProtocolAPGameConfigAPGame.config:
Setting it to False has no effect for me, of course.
Could this be that this variable is somehow overlooked by the game in aspect ratios lower than 3x 16:9 ? Or does it just works in the GameStop version of the game only ? :?

DyreStraits, does EnableEyefinityDisplayMode=False render your game Vert- or not ?
Can you post the [SystemSettings] section of your APEngine.ini ?
Sorry to bother you, but you may be our only chance to understand what's going on here ;)

Author:  Dyre Straits [ 09 Jun 2010, 11:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol - Not Multi monitor

The .ini file that appears to have the correct data is found at: SEGA/AlphaProtocol/APGame/Config/DefaultEngine.ini

This is where I find 6024x1080 as the StartupResolutionx and StartupResolutiony.

As for a FOV setting, take a look in the BaseEngine.ini, Editor.EditorEngine. My setting there is: FOVAngle=90.000000

What resolution are you guys trying to use? If not 1920x1080, can you not force that resolution on your LCD and let it scale down? I ask because I do have a 22 inch LCD here that I used for over a year and it does allow that. But, I could not use Bezel Compensation when trying to use that LCD with two 24 inch LCDs....although I COULD setup Eyefinity. This was before I got this game, though. So, I'm not saying that this game worked with that 22 inch LCD at all.

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 09 Jun 2010, 16:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol - Not Multi monitor

I can't test any 48:9 res and these .ini settings don't help...

(All the Defaultxxx.ini files in the install folder are just that - default files, used in case of absent/incomplete user files. Changes should be made in the user files, located in My Documents. Anyway, I tried what you suggested and it didn't work any better...
The FOV setting is for the main window of UnrealEditor - this variable is present in all UE3 games, but it's never used by the game itself. Same goes for AllowD3D10 for instance, it's present in all UE3 games but most won't start if you set it to True.)

I started another thread on the Obsidian forums: http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showforum=76
This issue is ridiculous. Thanks Dyre Straits for your patience, enjoy your game and know that we envy you ! :cry:

Author:  Sofmisfortune [ 09 Jun 2010, 17:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol - Not Multi monitor

[quote]Hey guys,
I am having the same issue with mens and mini games
and leaves the game unplyable in eyefinity. Has anyone found a solution?

What resolution are you attempting to use?

5760X1080. only thing that I can think may be causing the issue is my middle monitor is 1920X1200 so it is stretched 1080. Is this similar to anyone else experiencing the issue.

Author:  Dyre Straits [ 10 Jun 2010, 04:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol - Not Multi monitor

I'm really surprised at all the problem reports by others.

I still have to wonder, though, if the success I'm having has anything at all to do with the fact that I got my version from GameStop [via TryMedia]? My version is totally digital. (As would be the Steam version.) Do any of these vendors do anything "special" to their products that others may not be doing? I'd think it would be a violation of the license to do so, though.

At any rate, I AM enjoying the game in its full Eyefinity splendor and glad of it, too.

Author:  Phoenixdancer [ 12 Jun 2010, 22:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol - Not Multi monitor

yea.. still no fix for this :/

Dyre dont post again as its ok for you and you dont seem to want to upload your Settings :P

Author:  Dyre Straits [ 13 Jun 2010, 20:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol - Not Multi monitor

yea.. still no fix for this :/

Dyre dont post again as its ok for you and you dont seem to want to upload your Settings :P

Which particular Settings are you looking for? I ask because I really didn't make any changes in any of the settings manually to make anything work. As I stated a few times previously, this has all worked "out of the box" since day one.

The only thing that may have influenced the installation is the fact that I had Eyefinity active during the installation.

But, tell me exactly which Settings you'd like to see.

Author:  Phoenixdancer [ 14 Jun 2010, 11:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol - Not Multi monitor

Your Ini files if i may?

if you could upload them all to a hosting site so i can just plonk them over the top of mine that would be great :P

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