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PostPosted: 15 Nov 2015, 00:05 

Joined: 14 Nov 2015, 23:19
Posts: 1
So what have I done wrong ? When I start Fall Out 4 it is in the upper left corner of my screens so small I can't read anything.
I edited the file in Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Fallout4prefs. iSize W and iSize H to 5760 1080, changed the fSafeZoneX and fSafeZoneXWide in the Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Fallout4. Then renamed the file Fallout4 - Interface.ba2 to Fallout4 - Interface.old in the Program Files(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Fallout 4/Data folder and unzipped the latest Interface.ba2 file.
Is that what I should have done ?
OK so I figured that out after reading the entire thread. Now how do I change the FOV so I can read/write my name at the begining. Do I have to read this thread again?
Never realized how much I hate reading instructions, LOL. Now that I did everything is looking great ! :triplewide:

MSI 970 Gaming-AMD FX 8350-G.Skill Sniper 16GB-MSI R9 390 Gaming 8GB-CoolerMaster Storm Sniper-Win7 64 (3) AOC e2343FK-5760x1080

Last edited by kraZ1 on 15 Nov 2015, 16:00, edited 3 times in total.


PostPosted: 15 Nov 2015, 01:37 
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Joined: 13 Nov 2011, 18:51
Posts: 4
Haldi wrote:

HanzDD wrote:
Menu for workstation (buildings) is a problem. Pictures in are too small ... any advice? the fix was made to 5760x1080 and I have 5760x1200. So maybe I should set up something a little different. Your advice please?

Yep, and i have absolutly no idea how to fix it.

Ok, so Fallout 4 is unplayable now .... thnx for you help and try, but Bethesda are stupid idiots ...no gamedeveloping at all ... FA(i)llout 4 = FALLOUT 3 new skin, same problems and less RPG than FNW .... Bethesda dont deserved any money for this game ...

Eyefinity user :) - 5760x1200 - 3xACER AL2723W SPVA

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2015, 01:54 

Joined: 11 Nov 2015, 07:36
Posts: 6
Haldi wrote:
Galnix wrote:
I figured out how to remove the dark green boxes, at least from the HUD anyway. I'm guessing the process would be similar for other UI elements as well.
Attached is the HUDMenu.swf with these edits applied.

Awesome! Thank you very much. I've modified the Favorites Menue and included that in a new Interface.ba2. Couldn't find anything in the MainMenu though :( seems like that's already on "false" have you taken a closer look at the main menu yet?

Fallout4 - Interface.zip

edit: If you read this for the first time you're fine.
If you're someone from the first 7 downloaders please redownload the file :nudgenudge:

HanzDD wrote:
Menu for workstation (buildings) is a problem. Pictures in are too small ... any advice? the fix was made to 5760x1080 and I have 5760x1200. So maybe I should set up something a little different. Your advice please?

Yep, and i have absolutly no idea how to fix it.

GallingSiren wrote:
Hey is there something I'm missing with the fix on page 20? I'm running 1280x1024x3 at 3840x1024, while the fix does fix most elements of the hud, my health and ammo are still on the far left and right respectively.
I've already edited the safe zone defaults but it seems like no matter how much I play with them my hud doesn't move at all.

Strange, are you sure it's the right .ini file? You should see the HUD moving.

There is also issues when I read a note similar to when you are in workstation mode, it just very tiny and you can not read the text. But thanks for the work Haldi, it looks great really, the game it self has been amazing, I was playing last night and it started to rain and lighting across all 3 27" monitors and it looked great!

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2015, 02:40 

Joined: 13 Nov 2015, 19:07
Posts: 2
latexyankee wrote:
Superbee726 wrote:
ugzz wrote:
So i ran through the thread and fixes last night and I have to say, Damn! a Huge Thanks to everyone who has been helping out! I was hard pressed to find any major flaws with the hud, menu, pip boy etc.

However oddly enough, i hadn't personally experienced the "Dark bar" others were mentioned earlier in the thread, but after doing the fixes and running Surround i started getting that problem. I tend to get it indoors more than out, but it seems like it only happens in certain areas, and even then if i move around it appears and disappears depending where i'm standing and where i'm looking. I had it so bad in the Police Station that it actually made the area unplayable for me. having 2/3 of the screen constantly popping super dark like, then popping back to normal, that was game breaking enough i had to go back to single screen due to it pissing me off.
it was pretty close to some of the others who submitted pics, but mine actually seemed a bit worse, similar to this users pic Image

Did anyone figure out a fix for this? i've been flipping through the thread but i didn't see anything specific to this one, did i miss something?


Ive been having this same problem. Clowekey from the 21:9 thread posted this.

clowekey wrote:
Hello everyone.
I came across a fix for lighting bug which causes a "dark rectangle" to appear on your screen.
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =551651145

Change bComputeShaderDeferredTiledLighting=1 to 0 in your Fallut4Pref.ini

Remember to do this for both folders!

(C:\Users\[name]\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\)
(steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Fallout 4)

Someone said that it changes the graphical appearance, but if anything has changed, I haven't noticed.

I personally haven't notice a difference in graphics. Im able to play the game now with all the fixes and no grey bar going across half my screen.

Yea this is what has been plauging the 3440 x 1440 users aside from the broken hud.

One thing I will say, all the users on reddit and steam forums that get this bug were running 780/780ti. A few with 980ti chimed in reporting they were NOT experiencing the dark screen. I'm at 3440x1440 with a 980ti but I haven't fired up the game yet.

Can I ask what GPU you're running?

sorry late to the party but yeah im running a 780ti @ 5817x1080

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2015, 04:21 

Joined: 15 Nov 2015, 04:17
Posts: 2
Hi guys, just created a profile for some help.

My game wont turn to 5760x1080 when I change it in the .ini file. I am getting all kinds of issues.

Can I please get help? What do I have to do step by step? And as for the fixed HUD that a fellow member on these forums made, can I also be told how to go about applying the fix?

Thanks in advance!

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2015, 04:44 

Joined: 09 Nov 2015, 19:31
Posts: 15
CrazyLink1 wrote:
Hi guys, just created a profile for some help.

My game wont turn to 5760x1080 when I change it in the .ini file. I am getting all kinds of issues.

Can I please get help? What do I have to do step by step? And as for the fixed HUD that a fellow member on these forums made, can I also be told how to go about applying the fix?

Thanks in advance!

CrazyLink if you start reading from page 20 you'll see that all the steps have been established and you shouldn't have any problem from there.

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2015, 06:22 

Joined: 08 Dec 2011, 19:54
Posts: 41
tricky wrote:
For anyone that wants to reprogram the keys, here is my AutoHotkey script, it only swaps the keys while the game is active, working great for me as I always use all the numpad keys to move, reload, open etc.

Running smooth as butter at 5760x1080 on a single 980Ti, ultra everything + SweetFx, so not sure why some of you are getting < 60 fps.


#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

#IfWinActive ahk_exe Fallout4.exe




How do you use this? And does this assign movement keys to the arrow keys?

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2015, 07:32 

Joined: 15 Nov 2015, 04:17
Posts: 2
MrGrim wrote:
CrazyLink1 wrote:
Hi guys, just created a profile for some help.

My game wont turn to 5760x1080 when I change it in the .ini file. I am getting all kinds of issues.

Can I please get help? What do I have to do step by step? And as for the fixed HUD that a fellow member on these forums made, can I also be told how to go about applying the fix?

Thanks in advance!

CrazyLink if you start reading from page 20 you'll see that all the steps have been established and you shouldn't have any problem from there.

I got the .ba2 file in there and I made the proper edits under interface. Now the only issue is that despite having my resolution set as 5760x1080 in my .ini file, the game shows up on one monitor, the other two are blacked out, and the resolution looks incredibly poor. And now with the new edits from the .ba2, the text is tiny until the game decides to actually show up on 3 monitors.

Mind you, this is with windowed and bordless disabled through the games start up launcher.

20151115_012407.jpg [ 288.49 KiB | Viewed 4045 times ]
20151115_012401.jpg [ 2.94 MiB | Viewed 4075 times ]
PostPosted: 15 Nov 2015, 08:04 
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Joined: 11 Jun 2014, 02:54
Posts: 76
HanzDD wrote:
Haldi wrote:

HanzDD wrote:
Menu for workstation (buildings) is a problem. Pictures in are too small ... any advice? the fix was made to 5760x1080 and I have 5760x1200. So maybe I should set up something a little different. Your advice please?

Yep, and i have absolutly no idea how to fix it.

Ok, so Fallout 4 is unplayable now .... thnx for you help and try, but Bethesda are stupid idiots ...no gamedeveloping at all ... FA(i)llout 4 = FALLOUT 3 new skin, same problems and less RPG than FNW .... Bethesda dont deserved any money for this game ...

It's just the pictures you cant see, I just go to each category press up to go into the category, then over to what is needed and so on. When you pick something you'll see it in full size when you point it at any empty space. The picture being small doesn't actually stop you from building any thing. Also as you are looking at an empty space just move left to right and you'll shuffle through them all and see exactly what the picture was any way. It is irritating but not game breaking, all the words are readable. I'm saying this because I couldn't figure out what to do for like 5 minutes and almost Alt-F4'd the damn thing before I realized you had to press up to go into the category, and sub categories, and perhaps others might have that problem too.

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2015, 14:14 
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Joined: 08 May 2011, 18:58
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CrazyLink1 wrote:
Mind you, this is with windowed and bordless disabled through the games start up launcher.

Delete both ini files, start the game in 1920x1080 single Monitor Fullscreen.
Switch to EF/Surround modify your ini resolution to 5760 width. And add the Safezone.

We gonna send it to outa space!

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