Widescreen Gaming Forum

Triple-screen desktop pic
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Author:  BHawthorne [ 13 May 2006, 23:26 ]
Post subject:  Triple-screen desktop pic

Here is a pic of my current triple-screen setup. My goal is to shortly eBay the Samsung 172X so I can get my 3rd Samsung 740N. All 3 bezels line up just fine atm, I just prefer a better matching set of screens. Also sitting on a TripleHead2Go pre-order very patiently. :)

Author:  Gilly [ 13 May 2006, 23:33 ]
Post subject:  Triple-screen desktop pic

very very nice! :)

Author:  BongoTrumman [ 14 May 2006, 00:08 ]
Post subject:  Triple-screen desktop pic

Very nice indeed!

Feel free to post it in the Post your "Command Centre" Pictures Here thread too. A big and nice collection of WS command centres.

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 14 May 2006, 08:53 ]
Post subject:  Triple-screen desktop pic

Whow, that looks good. :shock:
Now i want triple head even more. :D

Author:  Flashman [ 14 May 2006, 09:31 ]
Post subject:  Triple-screen desktop pic

You guys with the three monitor setups have too much money to spend. :x

Author:  Evildoer [ 15 May 2006, 00:46 ]
Post subject:  Triple-screen desktop pic

You guys with the three monitor setups have too much money to spend. :x

Tell me about it.... :lol:

Although I just need another 17 lcd and I'll have 17/20/17 setup... small but it will work on a family budget. :)

Author:  neoWidescreen [ 15 May 2006, 08:50 ]
Post subject:  Triple-screen desktop pic

Although I just need another 17 lcd and I'll have 17/20/17 setup... small but it will work on a family budget. :)

You don't need a triple-monitor setup if you already have a family. The whole purpose of a triple monitor display is to pickup chicks. :wink:

Author:  JKeefe [ 15 May 2006, 16:15 ]
Post subject:  Triple-screen desktop pic

You guys with the three monitor setups have too much money to spend. :x
Correction: people with three LCD monitor setups have too much money. I know I am old-school, but I have gone the cheap route and I have 3 used CRTs. Pics coming soon.

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