Widescreen Gaming Forum

CS:S Crosshair Fixed!
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Author:  peanut [ 25 Aug 2006, 02:00 ]
Post subject:  CS:S Crosshair Fixed!

The newest steam update has fixed the crosshair bug!


Author:  SergiLlop [ 25 Aug 2006, 03:19 ]
Post subject:  CS:S Crosshair Fixed!

A small step towards the right direction :D

Author:  SergiLlop [ 25 Aug 2006, 03:20 ]
Post subject:  CS:S Crosshair Fixed!

A small step towards the right direction :D

HL2 is also updated and fixed?

Author:  Tucson [ 25 Aug 2006, 14:15 ]
Post subject:  CS:S Crosshair Fixed!

Awesome. The new radar kicks ass too.

Author:  mengzor [ 26 Aug 2006, 14:48 ]
Post subject:  CS:S Crosshair Fixed!

what was wrong with the crosshair?
i never noticed anything weird...

and Yes the radar does rock :D

Author:  urban1 [ 26 Aug 2006, 15:42 ]
Post subject:  CS:S Crosshair Fixed!

what was wrong with the crosshair?
i never noticed anything weird...

and Yes the radar does rock :D

lol there wasnt one @ 3840*1024 anyways

yeah this update rocks, been playing it all day, loving my surround gaming atm

soon as hl2 gets patched ill be playing that again from the start

Author:  Uzziel [ 28 Aug 2006, 17:24 ]
Post subject:  CS:S Crosshair Fixed!

very nice, so much easier playing without a DIY crosshair lol.

and that radar is very pretty :) taking some getting used to though, are there threads anywhere on the forum where people list fav servers for various games? (if not then lets start one) would be cool to see people in game.

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