Widescreen Gaming Forum

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Author:  andybris [ 08 Feb 2007, 23:11 ]
Post subject:  NEED FOR SPEED - CARBON

Anyone got NFSC going on TH2G?
I tried the nfscres util but it plays like its on half a bottle of valium. :lol:

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 08 Feb 2007, 23:55 ]
Post subject:  NEED FOR SPEED - CARBON

Yeah ... it has the usual aspect Ratio and FOV problems ... :(

I completed it on my 360/43" plasma ... didn't then feel the need to pursue getting it going in TH.

Ask Racer_S about itl ... I believe he is working on a camera hack ... http://toca.game-editing.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=702

Author:  andybris [ 12 Feb 2007, 09:16 ]
Post subject:  NEED FOR SPEED - CARBON

it may play on widescreen res but... on TH2G it runs so slow that it is not worth trying to play it.

Anyone got it going at full speed on TH2G?

Author:  Turbine777 [ 09 Feb 2010, 02:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: NEED FOR SPEED - CARBON

Hey guys,
I have read this topic in a couple places and still haven't found a solution. Is there a way to run Need for Speed Carbon at 5040x1050 yet?

I downloaded the "Need_for_Speed_Carbon_res_Launcher" (by racer) but it only has two patches listed and not the latest 1.4. I ran it with the bullet in v1.2 and the game seemed to load in all three screens ok, but the resolution looks more like triple 640x480 than my entered 5010x1050.

Anyone know of if anyone has found a fix for this yet?


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