Widescreen Gaming Forum

DOuble Th2go using 6 monitors possible ?
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Author:  zendesigner [ 14 Feb 2007, 17:24 ]
Post subject:  DOuble Th2go using 6 monitors possible ?


i have a 7950gx2 card + th2go on 3 lcd monitors currently.

When i look in my Video card properties i still can extend my desktop to the second video outlet of my videocard.

Is it possible to Run 2 TH2GO from the same card?

That way i would have 6 monitors with 2* 3840*768 resolution ?


current setup

Author:  MatroxRulez [ 14 Feb 2007, 19:41 ]
Post subject:  DOuble Th2go using 6 monitors possible ?

It may be possible, but it would be extremely difficult to find any graphics card, that would be powerful enough to run all those monitors smoothly in games...

Author:  JKeefe [ 14 Feb 2007, 20:02 ]
Post subject:  DOuble Th2go using 6 monitors possible ?

Matrox has said a few times that this is not officially supported. I don't know what would happen if you tried it...

First of all, the res would be a whopping 7680x1024. No game physically do that that except for maybe something coded for DX10, and then you'd need an 8800 to support the resolution. Then you need actual support from the game. That means that it would run at 7680x1024, with the correct aspect ratio (not too much of a problem) and the correct FOV (holy cow that's a big number - like maybe bigger than 180).

Then you have to deal with the image stretching. You have the massively wide rectangular viewport stretched over about 180 degrees of in-game vision - you're going to have serious distortion on the side panels.

Finally, you have the issue of an even number of screens - you have a bezel in the middle of your vision just like you would if you were gaming on dual screens.

If you want to do it just for the desktop, then you can do that anyway without an additional TripleHead2Go - just get two secondary GPUs and extend you desktop onto them.

Author:  durrthock [ 14 Feb 2007, 23:01 ]
Post subject:  DOuble Th2go using 6 monitors possible ?

If you have that kind of money to throw around send some my way.
6 monitor that would be sweet.
Can you run a game on two monitors without a dual head2go

Author:  g00seberry [ 14 Feb 2007, 23:20 ]
Post subject:  DOuble Th2go using 6 monitors possible ?

First of all, the res would be a whopping 7680x1024. No game physically do that that except for maybe something coded for DX10, and then you'd need an 8800 to support the resolution. Then you need actual support from the game. That means that it would run at 7680x1024, with the correct aspect ratio (not too much of a problem) and the correct FOV (holy cow that's a big number - like maybe bigger than 180).

What if he put the 3 above the existing 3 to add to the vert?

You could do that anyway prob and jus use em as desktop/xbox/tv screens while playin games on the other 3.

Author:  skipclarke [ 14 Feb 2007, 23:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: DOuble Th2go using 6 monitors possible ?

current setup

What monitors are those? looks like you've got a 4:3 in the middle and a 16:10 on the sides?

Author:  zendesigner [ 15 Feb 2007, 15:29 ]
Post subject:  DOuble Th2go using 6 monitors possible ?


What if he put the 3 above the existing 3 to add to the vert?

That was actually my intention , sorry if i didn't specify that.

It would give 3840 * 1536 (2 times max widescreen res of TH2go)

i tried yesterday to get the second outlet to work with a normal monitor (stretch desktop) but it didn't seem to save . So maybe some issue with the matrox drivers or resolution

What monitors are those? looks like you've got a 4:3 in the middle and a 16:10 on the sides?

3 times Dell e207 20 inch widescreens with native resolution 1680/1050.

So the monitors are the same, it's possible that this picture was taken when i used a 16/9 instead of 16/10 resolution or vice versa.

The sides are a litlle stretched horizontally , but that doesn't bother me.
it could also have somethig to do with my camera lens , cause it doesn't look like the middle monitor is that small in real life.

Author:  JKeefe [ 15 Feb 2007, 16:27 ]
Post subject:  DOuble Th2go using 6 monitors possible ?

Aha, 3 on top and 3 on the bottom...

Well, that reduces my doom and gloom predictions. I await someone trying it out. :)

Author:  JKeefe [ 15 Feb 2007, 16:31 ]
Post subject:  DOuble Th2go using 6 monitors possible ?

Can you run a game on two monitors without a dual head2go
Yes, as long as you have dual outputs on your video card.

Author:  JohnnyWakko [ 16 Feb 2007, 00:03 ]
Post subject:  DOuble Th2go using 6 monitors possible ?

I thought TH2G could not support 3 Widescreens. What gives?

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