Widescreen Gaming Forum

got my TH2go :-) / need help with X3
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Author:  spacehorst [ 03 Mar 2007, 20:15 ]
Post subject:  got my TH2go :-) / need help with X3

hey guys :D

i did it 8)

after installing the latest SGU, i started the game X3 : Reunion. before the game starts, i can choose the resolution and took 3072x768.
after loading, the menu appears on 3 screens, and the game does too. and its not strethed - perfect.
i started flying aroung a bit, got a little dizzy :wink: and - come to think of it now - i didnt even think about the bezels or noticed them at all!
so i already know what to vote, but i need to get the game running well first.

is anyone here who has actually played the game?

when flying around everything is proportional, but once i enter the sector-map, galaxy-surfer, or any other window like stats, ownerships, etc., then these windows are stretched like hell and with huge fonts.

has anyone managed to fix that?

since this is completely new to me, i have no clue where to start...

thank you!


Author:  spacehorst [ 05 Mar 2007, 12:00 ]
Post subject:  got my TH2go :-) / need help with X3

okay the ploblem solved itself - i just needed to jump into another sector and from that moment on it works fine. i hope it stays this way... :D

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