I currently use a Dell 2405 FPW 24 inch widescreen LCD monitor. I have been using it for 2 years and it is a nice monitor.
I was looking forward to upgrading to a triple screen 19" dell setup once the matrox digital box comes out.
To that end, I purchased my first Dell 1907FP 19" lcd and it came in yesterday. I unhooked the 2405 and replaced it with the new 1907 and loaded up a few games.
Now obviously, I lost a lot of screen space going down to a smaller non-widescreen monitor. No problem there, long term I will get more space once I get the 3 screens going.
The deal breaker for me was the pixellation of the monitor! I dont know if it was the dot pitch, or the new panels Dell uses compared to the old one from my 2405, or what it was. Whatever the issue, it just looks like garbage compared to my old screen.
I dont mean this as disrepect for anybody who uses 1907's. If I didn't have my older Dell to compare it to, I probably wouldnt have noticed a problem, but since I do, I can't justify "upgrading" to a triple setup.
I am disappointed by this. I was very excited to do some triplehead gaming.