Widescreen Gaming Forum

Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars ... TripleHead
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Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 20 Jun 2007, 22:21 ]
Post subject:  Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars ... TripleHead

Find the ... etqwconfig.cfg ... in (Vista) ... C:UsersUser NameDocumentsEnemy Territory Quake Wars Public Betabase ... open it with WordPad

Change these lines ... to ...

seta r_customAspectRatioV "1"

seta r_customAspectRatioH "4"

seta r_aspectRatio "-1"

seta r_customHeight "1024"

seta r_customWidth "3840"

seta r_mode "-1"

Author:  g00seberry [ 20 Jun 2007, 22:51 ]
Post subject:  Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars ... TripleHead

Wow, great that it's all good n proper....

But what awful, AWFUL graphics. Megatexture my arse.

Author:  skeeder [ 21 Jun 2007, 03:33 ]
Post subject:  Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars ... TripleHead

demos never come with high end textures.

Reason #1 is download size...and reason #2, why put all the whistles on a non-finished product?

Author:  Apple [ 21 Jun 2007, 05:22 ]
Post subject:  Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars ... TripleHead

Wow, great that it's all good n proper....

But what awful, AWFUL graphics. Megatexture my arse.

Its just the beta.. I'm sure it will be improved.

It seems the game isn't designed for triplehead. Notice how the tree's and mountains aren't rendered properly at the sides. Your not supposed to see them like that I'm sure... They go like that when not in view on a normal setup with one monitor but with triplehead you see it.
Although the tree's dont really look great anyway....


Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 21 Jun 2007, 08:40 ]
Post subject:  Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars ... TripleHead

Sorry guys ... I think that is as good as it gets ... those screenshots were with everything at MAX ...
Here is one with everything at MIN ...

It seems the game isn't designed for triplehead. Notice how the tree's and mountains aren't rendered properly at the sides. Your not supposed to see them like that I'm sure... They go like that when not in view on a normal setup with one monitor but with triplehead you see it.
Although the tree's dont really look great anyway....
Actually I think it all looks good in TH ... and the sidescreen distortion is normal for TH ...

Also ... in game it doesn't seem half as bad as it is in the screenshots ... that goes for textures etc. on MAX and the distortion ... I also think the trees aren't so bad either ... :? ... :lol: ... are my standards dropping ... ? ... :lol:

The mega textures do help the distant land look fine ... no tiling ... it kinda tricks the eye and looks very good.

Author:  Apple [ 21 Jun 2007, 10:30 ]
Post subject:  Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars ... TripleHead

Its not the distortion, I know thats normal and doesn't bother me at all. Its how the tree's look like flat 2d sprites on the sides in some of the screenshots.

I do think the graphics over all are pretty good though, and the full game will most likely be awesome!

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 21 Jun 2007, 10:52 ]
Post subject:  Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars ... TripleHead

Oh yeah it is odd how the trees on the sidescreens look like that ...
I think it is just the way the trees go as they go further into the distance ... and the sidescreens tend to kinda magnify things sometimes.

Being on the sidescreens it isn't too much of a problem as those sidescreens are just for adding to the immersion your too busy concentrating on the center screen ... I hadn't really noticed them until you pointed it out.

Author:  g00seberry [ 21 Jun 2007, 13:27 ]
Post subject:  Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars ... TripleHead

demos never come with high end textures.

Reason #1 is download size...and reason #2, why put all the whistles on a non-finished product?

I'd put money on the released product looking IDENTICAL. They won't be making graphical changes at this stage.

Textures may look good in the distance, but when they look useless close up, what's the point? I guess i should reserve judgement till i actually play it though, jumping to conclusions based on screenshots atm.

How about a high-res fraps Paddy? :)

Author:  ajg [ 21 Jun 2007, 14:18 ]
Post subject:  Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars ... TripleHead

Not very pretty is it. Think BF looks better than this

Author:  HomerJR [ 21 Jun 2007, 22:38 ]
Post subject:  Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars ... TripleHead

Not very pretty is it. Think BF looks better than this

Nope. I know it's subjective with how things "look" but having played both engines now I give the ET:QW the nod over the ageing BF2 engine.

And thanks Paddy for the TH settings! I downloaded the client last night and tried the game on the beta servers. It seems to play pretty well for a beta. No doubt they'll be problems, but then that's what testing is for.

With this being one of the first few DX10 enabled online battle games, hopefully it holds me until Crysis and UT3 come out.

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