Widescreen Gaming Forum

Anyone tried 3D Shutter Glasses or Anaglyph in triple head?
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Author:  [email protected] [ 06 Jan 2008, 23:01 ]
Post subject:  Anyone tried 3D Shutter Glasses or Anaglyph in triple head?

Does it work? Did you try with all screens parallel and angled in? Which worked better?

Author:  TheSmJ [ 08 Jan 2008, 08:40 ]
Post subject:  Anyone tried 3D Shutter Glasses or Anaglyph in triple head?

Since shutter glasses require a CRT monitor to function, I doubt it very much.

I have an old pair of ELSA shutter glasses and have thought about making a controller board to handle the glasses' lens shutter, but getting the timing in sync with the video would be nearly impossible without computer control, which is outside of my abilities.

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