hi all
My name is Philippe, sorry for bad english i'm native french
I worked with the analog th edition for two years without problems
Since I have the digital version i have troubles :
1/ +5vusb problems(black screens in reboot )
2/ Not center screens when playing only one screen (bios update=RMA)
3/ When I played on a single screen the other 2 are black, I can see over my mail, xfire, teamspeak and msn messenger...I can not see the other programs around on my pc!!
4/ Bios screen unreadable in boot,The display is streched, and I can not read corectly to set my multiples raid contoler cards!
5/ Unable to reach punkbuster's serveur, Shit, playing on 3 screens is not cheating...
In the pfs sometimes it's much more difficult to play in 3840x1024,Less than Fps, Visual field has great cover
6/ Problems of installation and configuration of power desk, the driver start well "au petit bonheur la chance"
Soory but when I see my price configuration(3x lcd + 2x graphic card + th2go) and all these troubles I said it was really crap!!!!
Is what someone understand the French here?
I would like to start a petition has matrox???
Is this superb site (best of the web) agreed on my opinion ?
My apologies for my bad sheakspear language But instead of working my English a school I played on commodor 64^^