Widescreen Gaming Forum

Stalker menu/inventory screens on center screen only?
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Author:  GmanFSP48 [ 19 May 2008, 22:50 ]
Post subject:  Stalker menu/inventory screens on center screen only?

I searched around on here a bit and have not found anything about this issue.
I have just started playing this since it's been patched a few times along with the fact that I updated my system.
The inventory screen gets stretched across the 3 screens and the bezels block too much to read it all. I would love to just have this part of the game displayed on one of the 3 screens.

For a better idea of my view, look at my system running LFS to see the analog bezel managment trick I use. The only real problem is with static sreens like Stalker's Inventory screen that I need to read clearly for game play..

I have been playing Stalker at 2400 x 600 high settings with the IZ3D drivers running anaglyph stereo 3d and I have to say it looks very very good.

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 20 May 2008, 08:36 ]
Post subject:  Stalker menu/inventory screens on center screen only?

You could give this a try ... it is not perfect but a whole lot better ...
I never tested it with any of the patches for the game ... so back up the various files before you replace them with mine.

In the thread there are TH fixes for Text/HUD/Crosshair ... and better blood ... :D

Author:  GmanFSP48 [ 22 May 2008, 05:33 ]
Post subject:  Thanks for the option

I'll try your file mods out as soon as I get a chance. I am using the lastes stalker patch 5 I think. I really was looking forward to getting into this game since it has been sitting since I first got it last year. My friends have been telling me to play it saying how good it is. I want to play so I hope this will let me get the most in triple head and stereo 3d. One screen solution just doesnt cut it anymore.

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