Widescreen Gaming Forum

Is it that awesome?
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Author:  Soduka [ 04 Jul 2008, 05:58 ]
Post subject:  Is it that awesome?

Currently I have a 19'' widescreen monitor that runs at 1440x900 resolution. I was thinking about replacing it by the end of the summer for something a little bit bigger, probably a 21'' monitor. But, I don't replace monitors very often at all. Would it be a good idea to go Surround? I mean, the games look great! ...When it works. What to do when the developers were just ignorant with TH2G? Not use the screens I paid good money for? Also, when the screens sit next together, you still have the edges seemingly interfering a bit.

It seems like that would get to me, so I am asking, at just a rough estimate (No Research if you don't want to) how much would a typical setup cost, and is it worth it?

Author:  skipclarke [ 04 Jul 2008, 06:22 ]
Post subject:  Is it that awesome?

Typical setup is probably $1200-$1400. The DTH2Go box is about $300, and monitors are about $300 each as well.

And yes, it is that awesome. The holy grail will be when we can do 3x WS at 1680x1050 or higher Then you still have a decent WS for when TH2Go doesn't work.

Author:  g00seberry [ 04 Jul 2008, 12:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it that awesome?

Also, when the screens sit next together, you still have the edges seemingly interfering a bit.

It seems like that would get to me

Check out the results of this poll..

Author:  escrotumus [ 04 Jul 2008, 23:01 ]
Post subject:  Is it that awesome?

Triplehead setups are nice for sure but I rarely use mine any more. I much prefer my $500 28" Hanns-G 1080p LCD because the clarity is much better. I have the triplehead hanging off my second video output on the card and can turn it on and off as need be. Pretty much the only time I use it now is when I am flight simming. It is still great to have when you need it though.

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 05 Jul 2008, 00:56 ]
Post subject:  Is it that awesome?

IMO for FPS (and thrid party views as well) and sims there is nothing better. You don't notice the bezels and the immersion is great. It works OK for RPG/MMO type isometric views but not as good because of the lack of vertical resolution.
But for FPS and Sims it is much much better than my 24"dell, and the only TH2Go reviews I have seen that compare it to a 30" the TH2Go wins on those game types, by far.

Author:  JKeefe [ 09 Jul 2008, 20:28 ]
Post subject:  Is it that awesome?

Definitely worth it for sims that benefit from increased vision (racing especially, flight sims a close second). It is expensive, but I made the choice during an upgrade round a while back to spend the money for that upgrade on monitors and skip a CPU/GPU. I'd rather run triplehead at lower resolutions and somewhat reduced settings that game on a single screen.

Author:  bojo [ 19 Jul 2008, 08:32 ]
Post subject:  Is it that awesome?

I ended up getting into triple head stuff by buying a second hand analogue TH2go for 200AUD.

Then i got CRT's for free from various sources.

In the end i upgraded the CRTs to 17" LCDs, for 150 apiece (second hand).

When factoring in your costs, remember a stand!, i bought a 3 monitor stand and absolutely love it!.

Ohh and it's totally worth it. Scrounge up some old crts and try SoftTH, its what convinced me to go buy the TH2go.

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