Widescreen Gaming Forum

FlatOut Carnage... supported by TH2G ????
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Author:  RKipker [ 18 Oct 2008, 21:10 ]
Post subject:  FlatOut Carnage... supported by TH2G ????

I own this for my XBox 360 and seen it was released for PC. Just wondering if anyone has tried this with TH2G?

Also, is the game any good on the PC, seemed OK for the 360, though my driving setup for PC is sooo much better.

Sorry to be asking this type question again if already asked.
RKip 8)

Author:  PapaLes [ 18 Oct 2008, 23:53 ]
Post subject:  FlatOut Carnage... supported by TH2G ????

the game is basically FO2 with more things to run into, more water, and some might think better graphics. It does support widescreen and triple screen resolutions but the images are short and fat on triple screen. It's does not support driving wheels or pedals. keyboard or gamepad only. It also seems to be tamer than FO2 and easier to handle.

Author:  PapaLes [ 19 Oct 2008, 00:02 ]
Post subject:  FlatOut Carnage... supported by TH2G ????

On another note, FO2 looked the same way until I put in the fix from Racer S. http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/wiki/index.php/Racer_S_Hacks now I can adjust it to perfection. Perhaps he will do one for FlatOut Carnage also.

Author:  geniv2 [ 19 Oct 2008, 01:52 ]
Post subject:  FlatOut Carnage... supported by TH2G ????

I think FO UC uses a different 3D engine.

I love the game too bad it won't work in Th2G :(

I think FO2 is too floaty in the handling of all cars FO UC is much better handling wise. and looks awesome to boot.

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