Widescreen Gaming Forum

Holy crap Triplehead gaming is awesome!
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Author:  GeneralAdmission [ 16 Nov 2008, 02:09 ]
Post subject:  Holy crap Triplehead gaming is awesome!

Just got my new toys set up (thnx Ibrin) and, well, the title says it all.

Surround Gaming is un-flippin-believable. Sure, the first 10 minutes gave my eyeballs an epileptic fit, but once that passed, I was in the game. Adding peripheral vision actually gives meaning to the term First Person Shooter (L4D, I'm scared of you), and I can see why racing junkies love Triplehead.

I vote that Matrox gets exclusive rights to the word "immersive" until someone invents a real holodeck.

Can't wait to add the Ergotron stand to the mix. :D

Author:  Tyinsar [ 16 Nov 2008, 04:14 ]
Post subject:  Holy crap Triplehead gaming is awesome!

Welcome to the club (of hating every unsupported or vert- game and of never being able to stand playing any rig not set up like yours - still - it's a lot of fun and I wouldn't go back.)

Author:  Mystic5hadow [ 16 Nov 2008, 10:19 ]
Post subject:  Holy crap Triplehead gaming is awesome!

I just joined the party today, or well, yesterday now I suppose.. And already I'm in love.

Far Cry 2, Fallout 3, L4D.. Hell, everything I've played so far has just been amazing!

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 16 Nov 2008, 10:57 ]
Post subject:  Holy crap Triplehead gaming is awesome!

Mystic5hadow ... welcome to the forum ... :D

From the profile page ...
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Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 16 Nov 2008, 10:58 ]
Post subject:  Holy crap Triplehead gaming is awesome!

Hey General ....
Welcome to the world of ... :surroundsmiley

Author:  garcol [ 16 Nov 2008, 20:52 ]
Post subject:  Holy crap Triplehead gaming is awesome!

Congrats General, and welcome to the club..hehe
I like to think of it as:

Author:  GeneralAdmission [ 17 Nov 2008, 01:06 ]
Post subject:  Holy crap Triplehead gaming is awesome!

TH is fantastic...happy to be part of the club. :)

If I ever have to go back to a single screen, I will cry. :cry:

Author:  djib [ 17 Nov 2008, 14:09 ]
Post subject:  Holy crap Triplehead gaming is awesome!

I agree, TH2Go is just fantastic!

Author:  ViciousXUSMC [ 22 Nov 2008, 21:48 ]
Post subject:  Holy crap Triplehead gaming is awesome!

Fallout3? What kind of settings are you using for surround. I think I detected some lag on my dual 4850's just maxing it out on my 37" @ 1920x1080.

Author:  Mystic5hadow [ 22 Nov 2008, 22:13 ]
Post subject:  Holy crap Triplehead gaming is awesome!

I'm running FO3 at 5040 x 1050 with everything maxed out, I don't get any slowdown aside from VATS messing up on me for no reason, but it's apparently a common issue ever since they patched the game, so that has nothing to do with playing it surround or not.

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