Widescreen Gaming Forum

Move pilot view in FSX from center screen to side using TH2G
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Author:  Airhogg [ 14 Jan 2009, 21:14 ]
Post subject:  Move pilot view in FSX from center screen to side using TH2G

Is it possible to move the viewpoint of the pilot and aircraft from the center screen of a TH2Go setup to one of the side monitors? for example, when ready for takeoff, I would like the runway to be centered on the far right monitor instead of the center monitor. I've tried altering the pilots POV ability within FSX, but this merely moves the pilots head view and not the entire aircraft. The effect would be to look at the far left monitor and see the tip of my left wing. This would be more useful to me for lining up with the runway from the downwind leg to base. Thanks!

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