Widescreen Gaming Forum

Mirror's Edge+TH2Go+SLI performance solved
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Author:  DARKSEID [ 21 Nov 2009, 16:58 ]
Post subject:  Mirror's Edge+TH2Go+SLI performance solved

Hi guys. I am relatively new to the scene of surround gaming. I have two 260GTX(216sp 1.8gb edition) in SLI mode. When i tried to play the game in a resolution above 1920x1200 (ex. 3840x800) the frames where terrible. The fov hack which was posted here (Thanks to the incredible Racer_S) DID NOT CHANGE my perfomance at all. So having read the posts about the poor perfomance when activating the hack i started playing with the sli profile in my nvidia control panel. When i forced the sli mode(alternative or other modes) the perfomance was terrible. When the sli mode was set to be controlled by the program the perfomance was also terrible. But when i set the SLI profile for this game to SINGLE GPU then the frames almost doubled.
Before this i couldn't play the game in 3840x800(fov hack-medium settings 0xaa). Now i play it in 4320x960(fov hack-highest settings 4xaa) with 30fps.
So the key, for me at least, was to force SINGLE GPU in the sli profile for the mirrors edge.exe. Now i can finish it again :lol:

I am looking forward to your comments

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 21 Nov 2009, 18:59 ]
Post subject:  Mirror's Edge+TH2Go+SLI performance solved

Thanks for sharing your findings and welcome aboard ! Please refrain from using CAPS in titles ;)

Are you playing ME with PhysX effects on by any chance ?
SLI = main GPU takes care of PhysX, both GPUs render graphics.
No SLI = main GPU only renders graphics, second GPU takes care of PhysX.
The second setup can lift bottlenecks in recent PhysX games, that may be what happens here.

Author:  DARKSEID [ 21 Nov 2009, 19:53 ]
Post subject:  Mirror's Edge+TH2Go+SLI performance solved

hi scavvenjahh. Thanks for your advice. As for the ME i have the physx off. I will test with physics on and let you know...

Author:  [email protected] [ 23 Nov 2009, 05:11 ]
Post subject:  Mirror's Edge+TH2Go+SLI performance solved

WOW awesome will test!

Author:  DARKSEID [ 24 Nov 2009, 20:16 ]
Post subject:  Mirror's Edge+TH2Go+SLI performance solved

hi to all again. I tested with physics on and the perfomance hit was not noticable(maybe 2 or 3 frames lower) :D

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 25 Nov 2009, 21:36 ]
Post subject:  Mirror's Edge+TH2Go+SLI performance solved

There's something fishy here. ME's SLI scalability is great. I see no reason why the fov hack would negatively affect SLI performance, so without PhysX FX you should always get a better framerate with SLI on. :?

Author:  [email protected] [ 01 Dec 2009, 03:30 ]
Post subject:  Mirror's Edge+TH2Go+SLI performance solved

How do I set the SLI profile for this game to SINGLE GPU?

Author:  whismerhill [ 01 Dec 2009, 12:35 ]
Post subject:  Mirror's Edge+TH2Go+SLI performance solved

How do I set the SLI profile for this game to SINGLE GPU?

if you want the most efficient way to deal with this, I'll suggest getting nhancer ( http://nhancer.com/ )
best application to change profile settings around IMO

Author:  Maxi [ 02 Dec 2009, 20:31 ]

Nice find :)

I was wondering has anyone tried this using Eyefinity? I've set my resolution to 5760x1080 and get some horrible menu stretching which is expected but then the game only runs on the centre screen :(

I was really looking forward to trying this with 3 monitors!

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 03 Dec 2009, 18:20 ]

Sounds like you're not using the camera hack :?
Mirror's Edge : Detailed Report
Racer_S hacks

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