Widescreen Gaming Forum

360 multiscreen setup
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Author:  xxsocertifiedxx [ 11 May 2010, 06:35 ]
Post subject:  360 multiscreen setup

Can this be done? I have seen some posts on other sites from 07-08 stating that you would need 3 Xbox consoles, 3 of the same game and a way to bridge the connection between the three. Seeing that it has been 2+ years, have any ways to create a multiscreen gaming environment with only one XBox 360 become possible?

Author:  BRPunk [ 11 May 2010, 19:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: 360 multiscreen setup

As far as I know, the only game that supports this is Forza, and it does require 3 systems and 3 discs.


Author:  xxsocertifiedxx [ 15 May 2010, 05:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: 360 multiscreen setup

Would it be possible for me to use the Xbox 360 HD VGA cabe and one of these:


Please say yes!

Author:  Dem Pyros [ 15 May 2010, 05:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: 360 multiscreen setup

Would it be possible for me to use the Xbox 360 HD VGA cabe and one of these:


Please say yes!


See BRPunk's post.

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 15 May 2010, 11:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: 360 multiscreen setup

Would it be possible for me to use the Xbox 360 HD VGA cabe and one of these:


Please say yes!

I tried that like a year ago, it defaults to one screen, doesn't even stretch.

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