Okey I changed the FOV for almost every key to "155" and its all good now :)
The only problem is that I cannot see anything in the menu :x also everytime I sprint in game my camera/screen goes upside down ><
FOV of ~150 and up screws it up, and makes the camera flip upside down, just use ~145.
Also you need to bind a lower FOV to your sprint key to counterbalance the FOV increase while shifting.
Basically all you need for Borderlands is this:
Bindings=(Name="W",Command="MoveForward | Axis aGas Speed=+1.0 | FOV 145 | OnRelease FOV 145")
Bindings=(Name="LeftShift",Command="advancedbutton bAdvancedButtonAux6 | FOV 135")
This will increase the FOV to 145 when you push forward which is where you want it most of the time, then when you hit shift to sprint it decreases the FOV, and when you release forward to stop sprinting it sets the FOV back to 145.