Widescreen Gaming Forum

FFXIV Supports Triplescreen
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Author:  TheUnk [ 21 Aug 2010, 01:34 ]
Post subject:  FFXIV Supports Triplescreen

A little birdie told me!

Author:  Skid [ 21 Aug 2010, 09:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: FFXIV Supports Triplescreen

A little birdie is no good, people need comparison screenshots, which I will provide if I get let into the beta at any point.

Author:  Rpmucha23 [ 22 Aug 2010, 01:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: FFXIV Supports Triplescreen


about 7mins of someone running around FFXIV in triplehead i found on youtube.

Author:  Tonynlo [ 22 Oct 2010, 04:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: FFXIV Supports Triplescreen

I know this is an old thread, sorry, but Ive been looking around for a while and can't figure it out. How can I get FFXIV to look like the youtube video? I have 3 24" monitors and my outside images are stretched something awful while my center image is crisp and clean. I'm using 2 GTX470 SC's.

Author:  Calispel [ 22 Oct 2010, 20:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: FFXIV Supports Triplescreen

From what I've read here and experienced myself in other games, it looks like the images on the side two monitors are always distorted. If you watch the youtube video carefully, you can tell that the sides of the video are distorted there as well.

I was trying to run this game at 5760x1200 with Nvidia Surround (2d) but it just seemed to exacerbate the menu lag issues. The rest of the game runs fast enough, but the UI and cutscenes were notably choppier. Enough so that I went back to running in a 1920x1200 window. I'm running it with an I7 950, SLI 480gtx's, and 6 gigs of ram - all stock speeds.

Running at 5760x1200 was also really pushing my video card temps. They normally idle at 38-40 degrees Celsius and run high 60's low 70's on load with modern games - but with FFXIV running at 5760 they pushed mid 90s! :shock: I don't know that it's worth it to stress my cards that much for a little extra screen real estate.

On a side note, I've been lurking on these forums for awhile but never seen this mentioned... when a game running in an ultra wide resolution has a fixed width cutscene or menu, it's almost always slightly larger than my 1920 center screen and overlaps onto the two side screens. Is there a reason why this happens? FFXIV's cutscenes do the same thing and it's irritating to not have the picture contained on one monitor.

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