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The Precursors http://www.wsgf.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=68&t=20597 |
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Author: | B3NJ1 [ 24 Sep 2010, 09:56 ] |
Post subject: | The Precursors |
Does anyone have or could anyone help me with a eyefinity fix for the game "The Precursors" please? Below screen shows Resolution: 5760x1200 Aspect Ratio: Auto Fullscreen: Yes Screens show its obviously stretched... Im trying to run it @5760x1200 Eyefinity on 3x24" @1920x1200 Here is Game.ini [Game] LocalVersion= Language=1 noblood=0 WriteDemo=0 Game Level=1 RpgRules=1 tutorial=1 VIDEO0=Videopublisher.ogg;MUST VIDEO1=Videodeepshadows.ogg;MUST;CROP VIDEO2=Videoloading.ogg;MUST;LETTERBOX;DRAWPROGRESS VIDEO3=Videoloading2.ogg;LETTERBOX;DRAWPROGRESS CreditsTimePause=5 CreditsTimeMorph=3 Cursor form=0 Show hints=1 Color interface=G Disable details hud=0 Time autosave=300 Particle systems=1 Weather effects=1 Game level=0 GameTitle=Precursors KeyRepeatPeriod=300 Subtitles=false MULTIPLE_GROUPS_WORLD=1 [ProgressBar] BACKGROUND_TEXTURE=Videoboot_progressbar_back.dds BACKGROUND_TOP=-0.90 BACKGROUND_LEFT=-1.00 BACKGROUND_BOTTOM=-0.95 BACKGROUND_RIGHT=+1.00 BAR_TEXTURE=Videoboot_progressbar.dds BAR_TOP=-0.90 BAR_LEFT=-1.00 BAR_BOTTOM=-0.95 BAR_RIGHT=+1.00 [HUD] Kind=PC Kind=XBOX CurrentKind=0 [Planet_Clip_Distances] CLIPDISTANCE_IMPOSTOR=120000.0 CLIPDISTANCE_LODMESH=90000.0 CLIPDISTANCE_OBJ=90000.0 CLIPDISTANCE_FLYOBJ=90000.0 CLIPDISTANCE_LEVEL=200000.0 CLIPPLANE_MINLEVELZ=19.0 CLIPPLANE_MAXLEVELZ=200000.0000 FLYOBJECTS_LOD=1.0 STANDARD_FOV=60.0 MECHANICAL_FOV=80.0 [Space_Clip_Distances] CLIPDISTANCE_IMPOSTOR=120000.0 CLIPDISTANCE_LODMESH=100000.0 CLIPDISTANCE_OBJ=500000.0 CLIPDISTANCE_FLYOBJ=500000.0 CLIPDISTANCE_LEVEL=1000000.0 CLIPPLANE_MINLEVELZ=10.0 CLIPPLANE_MAXLEVELZ=500000.0 FLYOBJECTS_LOD=1.0 FOV=80.0 [Space_Light_Parameters] Ambient=0 Diffuse=16777215 [SaveScreenshot] SAVESCREENSHOT_COLORMIX_R_R=85 SAVESCREENSHOT_COLORMIX_G_R=51 SAVESCREENSHOT_COLORMIX_B_R=51 SAVESCREENSHOT_COLORMIX_R_G=51 SAVESCREENSHOT_COLORMIX_G_G=170 SAVESCREENSHOT_COLORMIX_B_G=51 SAVESCREENSHOT_COLORMIX_R_B=51 SAVESCREENSHOT_COLORMIX_G_B=51 SAVESCREENSHOT_COLORMIX_B_B=255 Here is Interface.ini [Global Settings] GameName=Precursors RandomScreens=false [Loading Screen] SimpleScreenTexture=TexturesbackscreenLegalScreen.bmp SimpleScreenMaterial=legalscreen SimpleScreenTextureMask=TexturesbackscreenLegalScreen_%s.bmp SimpleScreenMaterialMask=legalscreen_ RandomScreenTexturemask=TexturesBackscreenbackscreen%.2d.bmp RandomScreenMaterialMask=backscreen%.2d ProgressBarTexture=TexturesHUD_ProgressBar.tga ProgressBarMaterial=_progressbar ProgressBarTextureRect=8;27;46;11; ProgressBarScreenRect=62;697;428;13; LoadingScreenResolutionX=1024 LoadingScreenResolutionY=768 [Menu HUD] InactiveColor=ffc0c0c0 ActiveColor=ffffffff [Planet HUD] LabelBackColor=ff000000 LabelTextColor=ffffffff FlagsWidth=8 FlagsHeight=14 AltitudeRange=2 WeaponListTimeout=2000 WeaponCount=10 FastKeyCount=6 VisualSignalBitmaps=5 [Space HUD] ArrowShiftFromBorder=30 FramesShiftFromBBoxCoef=50.0 FramesMinShiftFromBBox=15 FramesLength=10 RocketCrosshairCapturingRect=462;314;100;100; RocketCrosshairLoseTimeout=10000 BlasterCount=4 BlasterListTimeout=2000 RocketCount=4 RocketListTimeout=2000 FastKeyCount=6 LandingListButtonsVisible=true LandingPointerColor=ff0648ac [Control HUD] ApplyOnEscape=false ApplyOnSwitchTab=true [Inventory] InventoryNormalItemMaxBB=30.0 InventoryUpdatePeriod=1000 InventoryConfirmTrading=true [Common Items] RadioMessageColor=ffffffff RadioMaxMessageCount=5 RadioTimeout=4000 HitPointerShiftX=100 HitPointerShiftY=100 HitPointerTimeout=1000 [PlanetRadar] TextureWidth=128 TextureHeight=128 EmitorRadiusCoef=20 The game was only released in Russia so I dont expect many people on here to have it. Please let me know if theres any other files I could post here to help with a fix. Its 14Gb so I dont expect anyone to just download it just to fix for me either... |
Author: | mattsimis [ 24 Sep 2010, 11:53 ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Precursors |
Is it any good and in English? Unreal engine based presumably? |
Author: | B3NJ1 [ 24 Sep 2010, 12:22 ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Precursors |
Is it any good and in English? Unreal engine based presumably? It never made international release so they didnt bother with English. But there was hidden english files within the game so it can be patched to english. dunno if its good yet as i wanna play @5760x1200 and nothing less 8) :wink: |
Author: | scavvenjahh [ 29 Sep 2010, 21:31 ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Precursors |
Your screenshots are obviously 16:9 stretched... Resize to 533x300 and see for yourself. Those ini files are useless imho; you have to find where the res & AR settings are stored. Then maybe you can mod the 16:9 AR to 48:10. Then you'll have to find a way to correct the FOV... FYI Xenus 2 aka White Gold aka Boiling Point 2 probably uses the same engine. Maybe you'll find some help on the official forum... http://www.deep-shadows.com/#/en Edit: hmm, it seems anyone can buy & download these games on Yuplay.ru... Same company that handles Wings of Prey's activation/updates. Legit and truly dirt cheap. Sounds good to me. http://board.deep-shadows.com/index.php?showtopic=1467 |
Author: | Shack009 [ 27 Dec 2010, 15:19 ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Precursors |
Considering this game is now available at GamerGate in English and this hasn't been answered yet i'd thought i'd post this for posterity. Start the game and make sure the aspect ratio is set to "Auto" Then Open your "My Documents" or "Documents" folder and find "Precursors", open it then the "ini" folder and edit the "videooptions.ini" file. Look for the line "Monitor_AspectRatio=" and change it to 4.8 Your done. The Main menu, HUD and game world look fine at 5760x1200 however the inventory, character screen etc are all stretched and the sniper scope appears on each monitor, still usable though. |
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