Widescreen Gaming Forum

Fallout New Vegas: Problems
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Author:  Butch_N [ 19 Oct 2010, 18:17 ]
Post subject:  Fallout New Vegas: Problems

Hi all

It appears FoNV has the same issues that Fo3 had.
Here are the binoculars:

Here is a computer:

I hope the person that fixed Fo3 will soon get FoNV fixed too, please :)

Changed Binocular pic for one during daytime, for a better view of what is happening.

Author:  Siberian_Khatru [ 19 Oct 2010, 18:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout New Vegas: Problems

Has anyone tried the Fallout 3 fix for widescreen on New Vegas yet?

Author:  Abram [ 19 Oct 2010, 19:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout New Vegas: Problems

Oh no! God damnit.

Author:  Ceogar [ 19 Oct 2010, 20:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout New Vegas: Problems

BUt you could fix the Fallout 3 with a simple ini fix?

Author:  boredtotears001 [ 19 Oct 2010, 21:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout New Vegas: Problems

Wow this is a massively disappointing to me :(

Author:  MobsterOO7 [ 19 Oct 2010, 21:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout New Vegas: Problems

It appears FoNV has the same issues that Fo3 had.

Are we supposed to assume you already tried fixing FoNV using the same fixes for Fo3?

Author:  Butch_N [ 19 Oct 2010, 21:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout New Vegas: Problems

Okay, I tried the things in the Fallout 3 fix thread:
These worked for me in Fallout 3.
Nothing is working in Fallout NV though. No FOV, HUD, Computer fixes. They don't seem to apply, even though I changed them in both the Fallout.ini and the FalloutPrefs.ini. I even set them to Read Only. Nothing changes in the game. :?

Here are the edits I made:



I just changed:
fDefaultFOV=92.0000 to 180.0000 and it does work, but computer HUD and binoculars are still messed up.

Author:  Abram [ 19 Oct 2010, 22:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout New Vegas: Problems

Sounds like it's time for some lobbying efforts. Oy.

Author:  Butch_N [ 19 Oct 2010, 22:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout New Vegas: Problems

Yes, for sure. And I don't think the FOV is changing either, sorry.
I even went to the main folder and renamed the Fallout_Default.ini to .iniX. Made a copy and changed the values in it and named it Fall_Default.ini to take the originals place.
Nothing, the settings do not take for some reason....

this will make playing impossible. Computers will no doubt HAVE to be hacked in some quest. Bound to be,,, I don't know with 100% certainty, but feel sure there will be some that must be hacked to continue some quest.
Only way around would be a console edit to unlock it. In other words we will be forced to cheat.

Someone will figure it out shortly, I imagine.
Until then, be sure to save before you try a computer. I couldn't even figure how to exit out of them and have to use task manager to close the game. Best to leave them alone.
You can pick locks, but they don't display any options like they are probably suppose to. Just a big lock face is all you see. So if you go in, you better pick it. I don't know how to close one of them either. I thought it was supposed to be X key, but it doesn't close a computer Might not a lock either.
Anyway, this is a problem.

Author:  thales100 [ 19 Oct 2010, 23:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout New Vegas: Problems

Nah ill wait for a fix, wont buy the game till then.

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