Hey there. Looks like you've done some research into this build. For the most part it's a pretty good build. I can however, make so recommendations to save your a little bit of money.
First off your processor. Assuming your mainly using this machine for gaming, go with the i5 2500k. You will save about $100 and it will perform the same if not better. You can push the 2500k harder that the 2600k and keep the temps down more. In gaming, you will not notice the difference of a 2600k. The 2600k is good if your going to be doing stuff such as video editing.
Second is the RAM. 16gb is overkill for gaming. 8gb will be more than enough. I would say cut your ram in half. That will save you about $70.
Last is your monitors. While I am bias to the ASUS 27's, as I own 5, I would say get the LCD version. You will not notice the difference between the LED and LCD versions. I bought the LED's and kicked myself in the butt for not comparing the two first. When your buying multiple monitors, that extra $20-$30 adds up.