Widescreen Gaming Forum

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 Post subject: Poke holes in my idea,
PostPosted: 26 Nov 2011, 20:44 

Joined: 26 Nov 2011, 19:44
Posts: 1
So I like the idea of a PLP monitor setup, but the cost + size + gpu requirements of the U3011 + 2x 2007FP has me a bit taken aback.

I was thinking, is this possible with the 27'' version?

So I found a monitor that could be used to flank the 27'', the TLA-01511C. It's an LCD TV with a 400:1 contrast ratio, which isn't spectacular. It also has a speaker on it that would need to be fabricated to not be there. (or rotated on both sites). There's also a ton of laptop LCDs in this range, is probably what the panel is produced for.

Dot pixel TLA-01511C (0.2303)
Dot pixel u2711 (0.2335)

makes it pretty damn close.

I'm not sure this is a good idea, surely I'm doing something wrong, no?


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