Widescreen Gaming Forum

League of legend
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Author:  Psycrow [ 26 Jan 2012, 11:43 ]
Post subject:  League of legend

How do you activate or setup league of legend to eyefinity mode ?

When i enter the game in eyefinity mode then i can only choose size for 1 screen and the 2 side screens goes black. The game still shows in the middel screen like normal.

So is there any hacks or tools to make this work ?

Please enlight me

Author:  Psycrow [ 26 Jan 2012, 15:37 ]
Post subject:  I worked it out but the game

I worked it out but the game runs horrible in eyefinity mode ..the middel screen is normal but what happens in the side screens is laggy and shitty...i have 2 x 5870 ati cards and 4 ghx quad core..8 bg ddram

Author:  Delinquenz [ 11 May 2012, 00:39 ]
Post subject:  Psycrow wrote:I worked it out

I worked it out but the game runs horrible in eyefinity mode ..the middel screen is normal but what happens in the side screens is laggy and shitty...i have 2 x 5870 ati cards and 4 ghx quad core..8 bg ddram

True story. It works fine without any workaround (just activate eyefinity and set resolution, 5760x1080) but it is so laggy at the outside screens.

Author:  Josiahrulez [ 19 May 2012, 04:21 ]
Post subject:  League of legends and Dota 2

League of legends and Dota 2 (Although i think dota 2 supports it) sucks in eyefinity. Its weird moving the screen around (How you drag your mouse to the edge of the screen) because the edge of your screen is now a monitor away.

Author:  Delinquenz [ 19 May 2012, 04:30 ]
Post subject:  Dota 2 supported it since the

Dota 2 supported it since the last UI patch. Now the UI stretches not just in width, it stretches now also in height. So it means if I play with 3 monitors it won't be just 3x wider, also 3x higher :S

Author:  Josiahrulez [ 20 May 2012, 05:31 ]
Post subject:  Delinquenz wrote:Dota 2

Dota 2 supported it since the last UI patch. Now the UI stretches not just in width, it stretches now also in height. So it means if I play with 3 monitors it won't be just 3x wider, also 3x higher :S

It won't take long for it to be fixed, valve games normally support Eyefinity/Surround

Author:  Delinquenz [ 21 May 2012, 03:58 ]
Post subject:  It's now since over 20 days

It's now since over 20 days and I posted also a thread in the beta forum. Still no fix.. :(

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