Widescreen Gaming Forum

No option to set up duplicate display!
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Author:  Clutch Cargo [ 16 May 2012, 19:56 ]
Post subject:  No option to set up duplicate display!

This one surprised me. I just completed a new multi-media pc build consisting of an AMD 6970 card, a 27" display and a 60" Sharp HDTV. Both displays have a resolution of 1900x1080. All I wish to due is have both displays show the same image (duplicate). Pretty straight forward setup. Yet, using the latest AMD Vision Engine Control Center, under Desktop Management, it sees both displays but I have no option to set the 60" to Duplicate mode? It only offers to Extend or Replace.

I have the 27" connected via one of the DVI connections and the 60" connected using the HDMI. Using Windows 7.




Author:  Delinquenz [ 19 May 2012, 03:14 ]
Post subject:  Don't go into AMD Catalyst

Don't go into AMD Catalyst Control Center. It works fine for me to set it in the normal windows monitor settings. There you can set up if you want to duplicate it or sth like this. Right click on desktop. (I don't know how this menu point is called in English =/)

Author:  Clutch Cargo [ 19 May 2012, 17:04 ]
Post subject:  THX! Didn't even think of

THX! Didn't even think of bypassing Control Center. Sure enough, the option to duplicate is there. Guess what, still a no go! Says unable to save display settings.

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