Widescreen Gaming Forum

Advice: TH2GO and 4870X2 on FSX
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Author:  Guilherme [ 24 May 2012, 16:45 ]
Post subject:  Advice: TH2GO and 4870X2 on FSX


I need some advice from FSX users. I have matrox th2go on a 4870X2 card @5760x1080. I know that FSX does not use SLI/crossfire well, so it is like i am using only half of my 2GB video card.

As my video card have 2 DVI ports, I wonder if it would be better if I put the th2go on one port, but using 2 monitors, and the 3rd monitor at the second DVI port of the card. Is it possible? Will this config make a better use of my X2 card?

I have QX6850 @ 4ghz and 8gb DDR2 ram.

Thanks in advance

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