Widescreen Gaming Forum

Deciding On A Monitor For 3 x 27" Setup
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Author:  eazyice [ 01 Jul 2014, 18:10 ]
Post subject:  Deciding On A Monitor For 3 x 27" Setup

Hello all. I have completed my build and now am in the process of reviewing all the possible monitors that I will use for 3x Nvidia Surround. I have ordered the WSGF Edition Triple Monitor Stand and am pretty dead set on triple 27" monitors over a triple 24" setup. My concern is this... Should I go for a gaming edition monitor like the BenQ XL2720Z which is a 144Hz 1920 x 1080p panel or a 2560 x 1440p IPS/ PLN panel? I am not a competitive gamer by any means but I do play a few FPS games as well as an avid WoW player. I have heard that the 144Hz TN panels are great for refresh rate but not so good at color reproduction. Obviously the opposite is true for the higher resolution IPS/ PLN panel where colors are much more vibrant and viewing angles dramatically increased. The only problem is I am taking all of this at face value and have not experienced either panel.

I am hoping for some personal experiences so that I can hopefully avoid a potential costly mistake. Also, I will be pushing these monitors with 2 x GTX 780ti's in SLI and water cooled :)

Thanks and have a great day.


Author:  Haldi [ 01 Jul 2014, 18:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deciding On A Monitor For 3 x 27" Setup


I myself would go for 2560x1440 IPS Monitors.
Why? 144hz alone Is not worth it! You'd need at least Back light strobing for a smooth lag free gaming experience.
But with the upcoming nVidia G-Sync and AMD Free - sync it's the worst possible time to buy such a Monitor. This will have to wait for 2-5 Years to fully work and be supported at acceptable price range.

Greetings Haldi

Author:  eazyice [ 02 Jul 2014, 02:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deciding On A Monitor For 3 x 27" Setup

Hey thanks for the response. So if I am understanding correctly the upcoming G-Sync monitors aren't going to be a real option until they work out the bugs and the current 144Hz. monitors just aren't worth it? I know that the BenQ I mentioned has a blur-reduction technology as well as a low blue-light technology. I am not sure I am understanding the "Back-light strobing" technology... I will have to research.

Do you have any panel suggestions as there is such a saturated market these days. Thanks again and have a great evening.

Author:  Haldi [ 03 Jul 2014, 16:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deciding On A Monitor For 3 x 27" Setup

Here is a great starting point for your research!

There is currently one or two G-Sync Monitors out there.
I myself dont like to be beta tester for a device i plan on using for the next 5-10 years.

Author:  skipclarke [ 04 Jul 2014, 19:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deciding On A Monitor For 3 x 27" Setup

Also, consider that to really get the most out of a 120/144Hz panel, you'll need frame rates consistently above 60fps. It takes a LOT of horsepower to get past 60fps in Eyefinity.

Author:  eazyice [ 07 Jul 2014, 19:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deciding On A Monitor For 3 x 27" Setup

So I have been hearing that my dual 780ti in sli will have a problem running 3x144Hz 27" monitors at 60+ FPS... Any ideas on which monitors would work great for my setup. Hint... I don't mind spending a little $$$ :)

Author:  Haldi [ 08 Jul 2014, 11:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deciding On A Monitor For 3 x 27" Setup

You dont want 144fps. You want an Average of 150FPS or more so the drops dont fall much under 144!
To reach this on 2x 780ti in 5760x1080 you will need medium settings with maximum of 2xAA to reach that.

The problem with adding a 3rd GPU is that it doesnt work in 50-70% of the games, and the performance benefit from 2 over 1 card is nearly 100% while the benefit from 3 over 2 cards is not 50% but rather 25-35%.

Author:  eazyice [ 08 Jul 2014, 20:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deciding On A Monitor For 3 x 27" Setup

That is great advice and trust me when I say that I am taking everything you are telling me pretty seriously. I don't want you to think that I am just asking questions without paying attention to the answers :)

You also mentioned 2560 x 1440p monitors. Do you think that dual 780 ti's can push a triple setup of that kind?


Author:  Haldi [ 09 Jul 2014, 13:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deciding On A Monitor For 3 x 27" Setup

Surely they can, depending on what FPS you want to reach and what quality settings you'd like, and depending on the Game you plan to play.
4k is 8mp 3x 2560x1440 is 11mp so if you look for 4k 780ti SLI benchmarks you will get roughly 25-40% less FPS.

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