Widescreen Gaming Forum

The Crew
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Author:  anteronoid [ 02 Dec 2014, 16:25 ]
Post subject:  The Crew

I just have to say..WOW.
The game looks amazing, have a "cockpit mode"and worked fine in Surround. Also very well optimized, running ultra setting with stable 60fps (fps locked though) and Sli supported without any problems for me at least. Also supported is the racing wheels, which the NFS series now forgot about. Even icons for MY steering wheel is in the game, amazing. I bought the season pass right away. Have to support this guys. Gonna play this until FarCry4 get its shit together.
All i'm missing is TrackIR support. :cheers:

Author:  valcan_s [ 03 Dec 2014, 08:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Crew

anteronoid wrote:
I just have to say..WOW.
The game looks amazing, have a "cockpit mode"and worked fine in Surround. Also very well optimized, running ultra setting with stable 60fps (fps locked though) and Sli supported without any problems for me at least. Also supported is the racing wheels, which the NFS series now forgot about. Even icons for MY steering wheel is in the game, amazing. I bought the season pass right away. Have to support this guys. Gonna play this until FarCry4 get its shit together.
All i'm missing is TrackIR support. :cheers:

Very cool I have been on the fence to buy it, I play mostly SP games only how much of it is MP and do you have to play MP? May get this as my self Christmas present hmmm.

Do you have Forza 2 on the XB1 or have played the last NFS how does it compare? I love both of those games.

Author:  anteronoid [ 03 Dec 2014, 14:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Crew

valcan_s wrote:
anteronoid wrote:
I just have to say..WOW.
The game looks amazing, have a "cockpit mode"and worked fine in Surround. Also very well optimized, running ultra setting with stable 60fps (fps locked though) and Sli supported without any problems for me at least. Also supported is the racing wheels, which the NFS series now forgot about. Even icons for MY steering wheel is in the game, amazing. I bought the season pass right away. Have to support this guys. Gonna play this until FarCry4 get its shit together.
All i'm missing is TrackIR support. :cheers:

Very cool I have been on the fence to buy it, I play mostly SP games only how much of it is MP and do you have to play MP? May get this as my self Christmas present hmmm.

Do you have Forza 2 on the XB1 or have played the last NFS how does it compare? I love both of those games.

The limited time i've played with it i don't see the MP as a must, its there but the objectives so far didn't require MP.
There is however something called "fast CO-OP" that essentially. calls out to the public that you want help with missions i think.. (i haven't investigated it that much)
I'm not a fan of Forza series though, i'm more a NFS fan And compared to NFS its very similar. Although not a "sim" more a advanced arcade and they have good support for racing wheels with huge amount of settings for deadzone and curved sensitivity of the steering. Also its a sandbox open world game which ii loved from the latest NFS series. But i think they done this much better and BIGGER. Also story is somehow nicely implemented unlike the last NFS.

So my recommendation is that if you liked the last two NFS (Most Wanted and Rivals) you will like this even even more. The open world feels more alive and the story floats in better. :thumbup:

Author:  anteronoid [ 03 Dec 2014, 14:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Crew

The cat walked over keyboard. double post.

Author:  RED-FROG [ 04 Dec 2014, 00:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Crew

Works in surround? Sounds great!

Although yesterday I have had trouble using Crossfire in the game. (HD6970 that is)
I could play it ~20mins just fine, suddenly in the map view the screen doubled and overlapped. It might have been because Afterburner messed up Clock speeds on the GPU after drivers installation.
But after that (reboot), didn't take too long and I got a blackscreen, like the display driver crashed or something. Missing signal on the monitor.
I then disabled crossfire and it didnt happen again.

I'll give it another shot tomorrow. The game is absolutely amazing and A MUST HAVE for everybody who likes TDU2. I'd say The Crew is unoficially the successor of TDU2.
I had a 2 hours long ride together with a friend. We were just randomly driving around. Had a LOT of fun.
Absolutely worth the money. I consider getting the Season pass, too. I usually don't do such stuff, but that game really needs the support.
pCars, AssettoCorsa, GRID Autosport...all fine games/simulations, but they cannot keep me as busy as The Crew does. :-3

......too bad I think my DVI to MiniDisplay Port adapter is dying again.............. :doh: that's the 3rd one since my eyefinity career. And all 3 of different brands, too.

Author:  tepescovir [ 04 Dec 2014, 00:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Crew

Anyone know if it will work with the occulas rift? I'll probably get it anyway as i enjoy racing games in surround,

Author:  axium [ 04 Dec 2014, 05:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Crew

I guess it only works in landscape surround. In portrait surround the hud, map and all of the important menu elements are broken.

- Perks/tuning menus are inaccessible and are rendered off screen due to the game not being to scale ratio properly.
- Map is unusable, the icons don't placement doesn't match the physical map when zooming.
- Game is locked at 60fps maximum.

Yeah, the game runs well, but the graphics aren't impressive. Even on the highest settings the environment detail is minimal, traffic seems pretty light and the car models aren't very detailed.

The story is weak. Characters are complete cliched caricatures and most of the dialog will make you want to roll your eyes.

Also follows almost the same formula as every other ubi game. If you've played Farcry, ac and watchdogs, you'll know exactly what I mean. Find the tower/eagle/antena to open more of the map. Collect a million collectables. Move on to the next bit of map. The only difference is you're driving, instead of running.

I'd say save your money. This is a bargain bin game. I don't remember what the last nfs game was called, the one before rivals, but I do remember that it was more fun than this.

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