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PostPosted: 17 Dec 2014, 20:01 

Joined: 17 Dec 2014, 19:44
Posts: 6
I just installed Grid 1 and I'm having trouble enabling 21:9 aspect ratio. The highest my games aspect ratio will go is 16:10 to 5:3. I can't get a 21:9 ratio as my resolution is 5760x1080 on three screens. The options menu won't show me a 21:9 ratio. Is there something i can do the get a 21:9 aspect ratio in Race Driver grid?

I had this game running 21:9 ratio before my reinstall so idk what i did to get the 21:9 ratio to show up in options menu. Heres a screen of my previous aspect, thus what i am looking for.http://i.imgur.com/bNVCqhz.png

So is there something im missing?

My Video specs

CPU AMD FX Black Edition 8350
Vengance corsair 4GB x4
Gigabyte OC windforce 760 4GB geforce GTX

EDIT: Idk why it takes so long to repost but. I just don't see any option in grid were i can get a higher ratio or the correct one. IDK what to do at this point. Last time i did something without paying attention and started up the game. after that i had the perfect ratio. Nobody is helping me out atm. I went to 12 different forums. I see people playing thbis game at highers aspect ratios, but i don't even have a higher one then 5:3 or 16:10. How are they getting these ratios?

Last edited by Slayon on 17 Dec 2014, 21:02, edited 1 time in total.


PostPosted: 17 Dec 2014, 20:15 
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Joined: 08 May 2011, 18:58
Posts: 2286
5760x1080 is 16:3 or 48:9 aspect ratio. Why do you need 21:9?

We gonna send it to outa space!

PostPosted: 17 Dec 2014, 20:20 

Joined: 17 Dec 2014, 19:44
Posts: 6
Well before i reformatted, I hade grid working with a 21:9 ratio on 3 screens. After i reformatted the ratio is not available in options anymore. And i need 3 screens to use nvidia surround. And if i use anything under 21:9 the letters and gameplay is too wide and unplayable. Again, I don't know what i did to make that game fit perfectly with 5760x1080, but w/e I did be my reformat, i had the game working perfectly with 3 screens as you can see in my link. There is something im suppose to do, but i forgot what it was that i did to get it working.


PostPosted: 17 Dec 2014, 20:22 

Joined: 17 Dec 2014, 19:44
Posts: 6
BTW there is no 16:3 in my options menu. only 16:9 and 16:10, and both of them are too wide.

PostPosted: 18 Dec 2014, 13:42 
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Joined: 06 Mar 2008, 17:20
Posts: 3424
You should be able to edit both the resolution and aspect ratio in the config file: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Codemasters\GRID\hardwaresettings\hardware_settings_config.xml

PostPosted: 18 Dec 2014, 20:08 

Joined: 17 Dec 2014, 19:44
Posts: 6
What ratio would nvidia surround be fit for? 21:9, 21:3 16:3 or what else for a 5760x1080 resolution?

PostPosted: 19 Dec 2014, 10:27 
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Joined: 06 Mar 2008, 17:20
Posts: 3424
Oh OK, so you're just worried that the game doesn't explicitly list your aspect ratio, right ? (5760x1080 is 48:9 or 16:3)
Just select Aspect Ratio: Normal in the options and the game will automatically adjust the aspect to the resolution.

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