Widescreen Gaming Forum

Is Gtx 1070 sli enough?
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Author:  tarheel7734 [ 03 Feb 2017, 03:45 ]
Post subject:  Is Gtx 1070 sli enough?

My name is Jeremy. I am not new to wide screen gaming, but it has been a while. i was on triple 1080 monitors from 2009-2012. I am in a position to get back in it again, but i have moved up to a 1440p monitor. Will my 1070 sli be enough for 7680x1440?

Author:  stangflyer [ 03 Feb 2017, 22:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Gtx 1070 sli enough?

For sure! Especially if you are not a AA junkie. I have 980ti's in SLI on my 7680x1440 setup. Cards at 1500/7500 and for 90% of the games it works great. However, for games that do not support SLI or have poor scaling you will have to turn a couple settings down.

Unrelated a little but on my second machine I have a 1070 running my 4k tv and it does so just fine and that's 8MP or so.

I would rather play triple screen 11MP on high then 3.6 on very high/Ultra. You just need to tone down the AA.

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