Widescreen Gaming Forum

Brother's in Arms Hell's Highway
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Author:  chichi007 [ 31 Aug 2017, 13:21 ]
Post subject:  Brother's in Arms Hell's Highway

create mini script for weapon fov for biahh
is not finish (no all arms listed ) work in :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
this hack is for reso 5760/1080 and it is the max fov..after bad effect occur..

is work since after death...tested more more time :mrgreen:
difficult adress ( bytes ) and change in game every time...I think I solved the problem
if the fov is simply locked , the game crash after moment and is not good, Some weapons have a different fov
The hack respects this :thumbup:

Editing new hack:
put your game windowed for test and try my Ce pointer if one or more cool have valu 54 perfect :twothumb: is work !
edit the lua script biahh
have only 2 options codes..but in Ce you can add more script....look my hack tree script ( not all weapon !)
edit value after 50 and 54 for desired fov.........of course for 21/9 54 is not 144 I think 100 or more little :searchplease:
50 = zoom
54 = normal
but differents weapons have 47 or 35 and .................you understand not finish ?
add the script lua in Ce ... code injected lock this...........fov change in :twothumb:
create your trainer after.................. :wave:

ps: find this values in byte and inconnu values zoom not zoom......and find 88 / 72 after the pointer is difficult.......................
A big thank you for the precious help of FreeER Master Cheater in Ce for the script :clap:

sorry find error for scan pointer..........joint the *.ptr and fix that...some values not listed or bad..........
ptr open fix all........search the problem... :think:

File comment: pointer
ptr.rar [528.49 KiB]
Downloaded 281 times
File comment: custom Ce script
editing.rar [1.81 KiB]
Downloaded 294 times
File comment: weapon fov
weapon.7z [2.33 KiB]
Downloaded 238 times

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