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Nvidia possibly doing triple screen with next card.
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Author:  stangflyer [ 07 Jan 2010, 16:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Nvidia possibly doing triple screen with next card.

I will not go 3d gaming because getting the 3 120 hz monitors would be pretty expensive. I already have 9 monitors in my place now and I am single! But I would bet that nvidia will make the surround gaming just work better. I like the way their profiles are set up but I do admit I have been with nvidia for my last six cards. If I can get a single card that is close to as fast as my 5970 with good multi monitor support I might have to go back to nvidia. I a not a big fan of sli or crossfire even though I have had sli b4 with 280gtx. Some games it works some it doesn't. Single card ftw!

Author:  bowenac [ 07 Jan 2010, 16:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Nvidia possibly doing triple screen with next card.

I can confirm that this is indeed the case, and that what you are reading is indeed correct. Please don't ask me any other questions beyond what has been made public by NVIDIA. I'm under NDA, and have been for about a month now. :wink:

Funny how I got attacked for saying that I would go back to Nvidia when and if they made this possible and everyone was doubting it. Like I have said many times before I only went ATI for Eyefinity and knew I would go back if Nvidia made this possible and well looks like they are. I have had too much trouble with this ATI card many problems that are still not fixed. Although I did just find a registry fix something to do with 2d power saving mode and have to disable ULPS seems to be working actually and it is funny how they have not fixed this yet. Dave Bauman even told me that it was something in the registry causing issues and would be fixed in later releases but still have yet got a fix but rather found out about a temp fix online. I am not trying to start a war here just saying that this is very exciting for me and many other people I am sure. If anything this WILL help push devs to support proper triple screen res with proper FOV. So this should be exciting for everyone on this forum. :rockout

Author:  Anprionsa [ 07 Jan 2010, 17:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Nvidia possibly doing triple screen with next card.

I will not go 3d gaming because getting the 3 120 hz monitors would be pretty expensive. I already have 9 monitors in my place now and I am single! But I would bet that nvidia will make the surround gaming just work better. I like the way their profiles are set up but I do admit I have been with nvidia for my last six cards. If I can get a single card that is close to as fast as my 5970 with good multi monitor support I might have to go back to nvidia. I a not a big fan of sli or crossfire even though I have had sli b4 with 280gtx. Some games it works some it doesn't. Single card ftw!

Quoted for truth, I just bought monitors that AREN'T 120hz.... also will have the same issues as the 5000 series in terms of needing DP monitors as well?

Author:  bowenac [ 07 Jan 2010, 17:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Nvidia possibly doing triple screen with next card.

[quote]I will not go 3d gaming because getting the 3 120 hz monitors would be pretty expensive. I already have 9 monitors in my place now and I am single! But I would bet that nvidia will make the surround gaming just work better. I like the way their profiles are set up but I do admit I have been with nvidia for my last six cards. If I can get a single card that is close to as fast as my 5970 with good multi monitor support I might have to go back to nvidia. I a not a big fan of sli or crossfire even though I have had sli b4 with 280gtx. Some games it works some it doesn't. Single card ftw!

Quoted for truth, I just bought monitors that AREN'T 120hz.... also will have the same issues as the 5000 series in terms of needing DP monitors as well?

What makes you so sure of that? How do you know they are not adding 3 clocks. How do you know they are not adding a separate device in with cards like Matrox device..... I guess we shall find out today.......

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 07 Jan 2010, 19:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Nvidia possibly doing triple screen with next card.

I can confirm that this is indeed the case, and that what you are reading is indeed correct. Please don't ask me any other questions beyond what has been made public by NVIDIA. I'm under NDA, and have been for about a month now. :wink:

Lucky you Ibrin but how weird to not 'spoil' this capability, they have lost me as a customer for this iteration because EF was now and Fermi was not even rumoured to have it. If they had said they were working on a MM set up I would not have brought the 5970 and waited for Fermi; even if it was just we are working but don't promise it.

Author:  bowenac [ 07 Jan 2010, 19:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Nvidia possibly doing triple screen with next card.

Nvidia press conference is on live


Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 07 Jan 2010, 19:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Nvidia possibly doing triple screen with next card.

@Ibrin: I see that you have broken your NDA.... by joining 2 NVidia groups on Facebook is a bit of a give away ;)

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 07 Jan 2010, 20:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Nvidia possibly doing triple screen with next card.

Oh wow. Looks like there'll be an awful lot of 3DVision/Surround Gaming disambiguiation to be done around here in a bit :?
Don't worry too much about Matrox guys, gamers never were their main target audience.

Author:  tineras [ 07 Jan 2010, 20:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Nvidia possibly doing triple screen with next card.

So the GF100 is in "volume production" right now. I wonder what that means for us?? Glad I didn't just jump right into the 5870.

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 07 Jan 2010, 20:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Nvidia possibly doing triple screen with next card.

Sod all info from CES conference but 120Hz required for 3D.

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