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World of Warcraft in 2D Surround. FIX for LARGE Combat text?
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Author:  Gerald [ 05 Dec 2010, 03:45 ]
Post subject:  World of Warcraft in 2D Surround. FIX for LARGE Combat text?

Got everything finally working only to be stopped short by nothing other then something as simple as LARGE TEXT.

When Im in the 3 monitor 5xxx x 1xxxx or any other close resolution
the combat text over my target is, well, just... HUUUGE.
Is larger than my character and actually makes the game unplayable.
God forbid I aoe anything.

Has anyone found a workarond for this? And I know there are a large number of floating combat text mods / addons. But not a single one of
them let you change the SIZE of the stationary text over the target.
And the size of the CRIT text.. Cheese and Crackers!!!

hellp.... anyone?


Author:  tet5uo [ 06 Dec 2010, 05:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft in 2D Surround. FIX for LARGE Combat text?

Heh I haven't gotten that far because my game would crash before I got into combat with anything :) Sounds like the same issue that l4d has with the hint icons and crosshair getting huge in surround mode.

Author:  fuzioninfinity [ 06 Dec 2010, 08:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft in 2D Surround. FIX for LARGE Combat text?

The addon "ScrollingCombatText" used in conjunction with "SCT- Damage" is what I used to solve my problem. They have adjustable fonts/font sizes for the text damage, but in addition to that it doesn't use the same method the in-game combat text uses to scale its size (based upon the resolution), and as such it is at a "normal" size by default. The mod is highly customizable, and I prefer it over the normal combat damage text even when playing across one screen. Both addons are needed, as the first mod only replaces in-coming damage/healing, "SCT- Damage" replaces damage/healing done to mobs/other players.

I found them on curse.com.


As far as the large text over the mobs (names), I know of no mods to change that. There are a number of nameplate mods out there that will work, such as "Aloft" and "Threatplates." I think they can be found on wowinterface.com, not positive though, I haven't played WoW in a few months.

You'll probably also notice that chat bubbles are abnormally large as well, there is no fix for this either, as far as I know.

Author:  ithrial [ 13 Dec 2010, 22:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft in 2D Surround. FIX for LARGE Combat text?

The problem that is giant text is not an nvidia problem because I got it on my softth and matrox setups as well as my eyefinity currently. Its a WoW issue that has not been addressed. the built in scrolling combat text for (for XP earned especially) is Vert- even though the rest of the game is Horz+. Only thing you can do is turn off all blizz SCT and get an addon like suggested. Nothing wrong with the drivers or system.

FYI I use miks scrolling battle txt and its good

Author:  ERP [ 15 Dec 2010, 20:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft in 2D Surround. FIX for LARGE Combat text?

Large combat text and name boxes are part of a bigger blizzard issue in WOW.
The UI keys size off of screen width and doesn't correctly take aspect ratios (I think they assume it's either 4x4 or 16x9) into account, so everything ends up being 3x too tall on surround systems.
luckilly there are addons that will let you work around most of that.

Author:  tet5uo [ 18 Dec 2010, 12:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft in 2D Surround. FIX for LARGE Combat text?

Haven't found an addon for the huge text, but I got a nameplate addon and turned off chat bubbles.

Then I got the addon to move the UI elements around so my map wasn't off on the far right and unit frames on the far left.

Only thing left is the damage text font size, nothing seems to change the size, so I've just disabled it and use a scrolling combat text mod to have the damage all scroll in a corner. I like it better over the enemies heads, but no addons are able to get data on enemy screen positions so we'll need to wait for Blizzard to fix this.

Author:  tet5uo [ 19 Dec 2010, 18:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft in 2D Surround. FIX for LARGE Combat text?

I don't want to get myself forum banned over there due to their strict bumping rules, but if someone with a Bnet account wants to hop into my thread and get it back up... would love to see blizzard knowledge this as a bug.


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