Widescreen Gaming Forum

Add another monitor
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Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 25 Apr 2011, 06:32 ]
Post subject:  Add another monitor

Hey guys

I can't find it on the NVidia site, so I guess it is not possible. But can I add a 4th monitor to my set up. So I have 3x24 running at 5760x1200. I would like to add a 30 inch monitor for non surround games. Would I have to set up a switcher or something or....

Any ideas?

Cheers M1.9P

EDIT: the reason why I ask is that:

1. I would want a 30" for those games that don't do it

2. Also when games (like CoD or BFBC2) which are awaiting a patch or hack when I need to compete in those games. As an aside when I set the res on my rig to 1920x1200 in BFBC2 ( which I have to do cos it crashes all the time in surround) the screen appears fine but I cannot actually select anything with my mouse. I don't know what is going on, anyone else have this? I have to un plug one of the monitors and set SLI (max perf) to get 1920 to work. Which is a pain.

Author:  fuzioninfinity [ 26 Apr 2011, 06:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Add another monitor

If you want to run surround with an extended desktop or "accessory display", then you need to get an additional video card. It doesn't have to be the same as your current video cards, any card capable of acting as a PhysX card will work, I believe. If you don't have an open PCI-E 16x slot however, I believe you are out of luck.

Visual aid from NVIDIA's site:

Your 580s -->
Any Other Card Card -->

(from : http://www.nvidia.com/object/3dv-system-requirements-surround-technology.html)

As far as any unconventional methods such as a switcher, I think it would be easier to just disable surround and enable single-screen SLI, but thats just me.

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 26 Apr 2011, 07:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Add another monitor

Cheers, no 3rd PCIe slot.

So I will just go back to enabling and disabling surround; a pain but not sooo bad.

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