Widescreen Gaming Forum

Driver Update Question
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Author:  Tommy Trauma [ 12 Feb 2012, 17:46 ]
Post subject:  Driver Update Question

I bought and installed my Matrox DTH2go digital a couple of years ago, and have been using the drivers ever since. I know, I know, get in the 21st century Tom. But its been working fine and if it isn't broke don't fix it they always tell me. I'm just curious at to what the latest driver is that will still allow me to run the DHT2go with my 3 monitors. Only sim I run is iRacing, and my framerates have always been good there. I'm hesitant to upgrade understandably, as I found it somewhat annoying to run through all the neccesary updating to the desktop software and such. I run the evga 295GTX with the two dvi, and one HDMI ports, but my 3 Dell 2209wa's do not have an HDMI in.

Thank you

Author:  AussieTimmeh [ 15 Feb 2012, 08:23 ]
Post subject:  I don't see why anything

I don't see why anything would have changed with it. I have bee using a Triplehead2Go on an Nvidia card with thevery latest drivers on it ok, but I haven't tried doing three monitors using a Dualhead2go.

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