By upgrading my GPU i got good performance in single screen 1080p resolution but 3x 1080p doesn't really work good.
BattleField3 : Low or off where avaliable, stuttering even on single player
Conter Strike GO : Medium on everything ~40-50fps works good
Well basically in alot of games medium works good enough newer more demanding games usually low or off
Firstly maybe I should lower the resolution abit? How are you guys playing 1x3L?
Secondly perhaps its time to to an upgrade again
PSU : be quiet! CM E9 480W
GPU : Asus HD7970 3GB (
CPU : First gen Intel Quad: Q8200 2.33GHz
SSD : Intel 520 Series
I want to avoid getting two GPU's if it's not essential as im planning a mITX build
For upgrade Im thinking
CPU: Core i5 3570T (T probably has lower perf not sure how much, but also lower TDP, want as cool and quiet as possible, not going to over/underclock)
RAM: No idea not sure how many slots an ITX board has but probably 2x4GB DDR3 not sure how much timings etc affects the performance or amount of RAM
MOBO: good enough not to expensive mITX board probably dont need to think about this one at all for performance though I have some feut I would like included like good onboard audio and network/wifi