Don't forget the good ole Maximum Resolution for many 22-24 inch 4:3 CRTs!
2560 x 1920
[quote]Great. Even hardware manufacturers are going Vert-? How the hell am I supposed to fix that?
I have been thinking about it quite a bit lately but what exactly makes 16:9 wider than 16:10?
The lowest size that you can get on either of them is obviously exactly how they are explained 16x9 and 16x10.
Technically speaking neither is actually wider correct?
(top left is 16:9, other two are 16:10)
Now obviously the aspect ratio between the width and height is wider but how does that translate onto the screen?
What's the deal?
That logic only works when talking about a Vert- Game. Because your right, neither would be wider in that aspect. The game would just be taller in 16:10. But with a Vert- game it would also be taller in 4:3 and *tallest in 5:4.
But in a Hor+ Game, they make every aspect ratio have the same height and expand left and right. What happens is the narrower (Vertically) the aspect ratio, the wider image will be.
You can think about it like this.
Vert- Hor+
16:10 16:10
16:09 17:10
Those are basically the same values, but it's a different way of looking at it.
16:10 top-left
16:9 top-right and Bottom-left
*Assuming they aren't using a monitor in portrait mode of multiple stacked monitors.