Widescreen Gaming Forum

Calling all 30" panel owners (Updated 6/16)
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Author:  MaulSidious [ 25 Apr 2007, 17:49 ]
Post subject:  Calling all 30" panel owners (Updated 6/16)

Scaling often blurs the image. Using the native resolution gives a much sharper image, and with such a small pixel pitch, you don't need antialias, which you most certainly will do with scaled lower resolutions.

Yeah i can confirm that i put on halflife2 and couldnt notice any difference with aa on or off except the transparent aa which did help fences.

Author:  gozu [ 09 Jun 2007, 08:03 ]
Post subject:  Calling all 30" panel owners (Updated 6/16)

I just got a 30" and I was wondering if you guys had any tips on how to make the most of my desktop space. Right now, maximizing windows to full screen is wasteful and so forth.

what strategies/tools do you guys use?

Author:  Jupix [ 10 Jun 2007, 10:59 ]
Post subject:  Calling all 30" panel owners (Updated 6/16)

Just resize your windows as you see fit. :)

I don't see need for any specific tools. On my screen, left to right, I constantly have the first row of desktop shortcuts visible (so I can access "My Computer" / file explorer easily without a hand on keyboard), then Firefox with full height & about 1400 px width, which leaves a nice patch of empty space to the right of the browser, to use with file explorer windows, mp3 player, TV, and so on.

It's obviously wasteful to use internet browsers at full 2560 px width since any not-completely-broken website is optimal at 1024 px or 1280 px width, tops. (My browser is a tad wider since I always have bookmarks on one side.)

Author:  jagojp [ 09 Aug 2007, 05:09 ]
Post subject:  Calling all 30" panel owners (Updated 6/16)

Hey all.

I just got my dell 30" this week and this site has been a huge help to me for getting the games going. Thanks :)

I hope i can help testing some games. Im at work at the moment but when i get home ill test some of the ones that arnt up yet.

My machine specs are as follows:

AMD Athlon 64 3500+ (runs at 2.1ghz)
Nvidia GeForce 7600 GT 256MB (AGP)

Last night i played GridWars at 2560x1600 and I must say that it was awesome. It changes the game completely...
You actually need to travel across the screen to get to the other side.

Also has anyone had any problems with the USB hub on the dell? I connected the cable from my computer to the right place on the monitor, and i just expected it to work... apparently its not that simple.. hehe

Author:  jagojp [ 09 Aug 2007, 12:12 ]
Post subject:  Calling all 30" panel owners (Updated 6/16)

I tested afew of the games i have.

All of these games work great in 2560x1600:

Dungeon Siege 2
Quake 3 Arena

I also tested Rainbow Six: Vegas v1.5. The max resolution avalible is 2048x1536. :(

Author:  skipclarke [ 12 Aug 2007, 05:44 ]
Post subject:  Calling all 30" panel owners (Updated 6/16)

Any chance of getting a Detailed Report on Dungeon Siege 2? And, did you use the Cam Hack that we host?

Author:  xenophobe [ 21 Aug 2007, 20:49 ]
Post subject:  Calling all 30" panel owners (Updated 6/16)

Tron 2.0 works fine. Looks freaking gorgeous. I'll have to go through this game yet again.

Prey Demo works just fine. Don't have the retail, so can't tell you about that.

Author:  Deusfaux [ 22 Aug 2007, 01:05 ]
Post subject:  Calling all 30" panel owners (Updated 6/16)

Chronicles of Riddick simply DOESNT work

I've had this confirmed by the publisher via email

tops out at 2048x1536 and 1920x1200

Author:  [TBOC]Razor [ 24 Aug 2007, 21:28 ]
Post subject:  Calling all 30" panel owners (Updated 6/16)

Hi, i'm new here and saw that *oh so stinkin big* "got 30" ?" banner thing and here i am :P

C&C:RA2:YR works perfectly in 2560*1600, just edit RA2MD.ini and set screen width to 2560 and height to 1600.

For C&C:RA2 you edit ra2.ini instead btw.

I can *almost* see the entire map "the alamo" from top to bottom in 2560*1600 but of course i do still have to scroll a bit sideways :P

Oh and the build menues at 2560*1600 are just incredible, i thought they showed alot when i ran the game at 1280*1024 but at XHD, my god i can fit *all* of the primary buildings from all factions in just one(!) "screen", no need to scroll those pesky build-menues anymore :D

I think its pretty awesome too that you can play four HD movies at the same time when you've got a 30" 2560*1600 monitor :)

I love my HP LP3065 :D

Author:  xeon25 [ 13 Sep 2007, 22:24 ]
Post subject:  Calling all 30" panel owners (Updated 6/16)

hi all i just got hp 30".
i have one question, do i need to put both two dvi cable in monitor and connect this two dvi cable in graphic card ?
i tryed just one and it worked too....but i need two ? tthanks

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