Widescreen Gaming Forum

Screen Size vs. Pixel Pitch?
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Author:  Fallen_Horse [ 19 Nov 2008, 19:40 ]
Post subject:  Screen Size vs. Pixel Pitch?

Ok I am looking to buy a new monitor, and I would love to get a 24" but that's out of my price range. So I am deciding between 3 different Acer models:

Acer X203Wbd 20" @ 1680x1050 and .25mm pitch

Acer X223Wbd 22" @ 1680x1050 and .28mm pitch

Acer H213H 21.5" @ 1920x1080 and .25mm pitch

I have a Samsung right now that is .285mm pitch and it's noticeable to me, but I like the idea of a 22" over a 20". I also like the H213H for it's resolution, but the problems are that I don't know how well games support 1920x1080 (on the PC) and that I wouldn't be able to run games well with my underpowered video card (X800XL). Should I just get the higher res and suffer with turning the other settings down in my games? Does 1920x1080 work well with modern games? DOES ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING???? :)

EDIT: If it matters, I mostly play Valve Source games(HL2, DoDS, TF2) and Command and Conquer games(Generals, TW, RA3). I also play some Bioshock, Halo, Max Payne 2, Far Cry, Doom 3, and perhaps in the future, Dead Space, Mass Effect, Diablo 3, Starcraft 2, and Crysis (once I get a better vid card)...

Author:  skeeder [ 19 Nov 2008, 20:19 ]
Post subject:  Screen Size vs. Pixel Pitch?

depends on how close you sit to it. I think the 22" is extremely grainy. But I have the most expensive 20" you can buy. So its all personal taste. Honestly I'd opt for the 20".

Author:  Fallen_Horse [ 20 Nov 2008, 22:15 ]
Post subject:  Screen Size vs. Pixel Pitch?

Ok, any reason I shouldn't go for the 21.5?

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 21 Nov 2008, 14:21 ]
Post subject:  Screen Size vs. Pixel Pitch?

Generally, if we can get widescreen working in a game, we can get 1920x1080 working. ;)

The only reason I see for not getting the 1920 screen is the extra pixels. While you can turn the res down (and modern TFTs are way better at non-native resolutions than older TFTs) it's still not as good as running at the screens native res.

The Source games will probably all run great, but some other games might struggle a little at that res with an X800. :(

Author:  skeeder [ 21 Nov 2008, 17:13 ]
Post subject:  Screen Size vs. Pixel Pitch?

I agree with PS.

21.5 with 1920x1080 sounds excellent. I'd go with that actually...lol.

You may need to update your graphic card/system...but honestly the push from 1680x1050 to 1920x1080 isn't too much more and its a fantastic res to work with,.

Author:  Fallen_Horse [ 21 Nov 2008, 21:08 ]
Post subject:  Screen Size vs. Pixel Pitch?

Ok thanks guys! :)

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