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Will I see an increase with a GTX 260?
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Author:  ratef42 [ 02 Aug 2009, 15:56 ]
Post subject:  Will I see an increase with a GTX 260?

Hi all, I have a 7900gs that I use for all my gaming right now but recently Its just been flopping and not really being able to keep up well. Or is it my other components?

Pc specs:
core 2 duo E8400
500 gb sata

I have found a gtx 260 for £110, is that worth it or am i better off waiting?


Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 02 Aug 2009, 16:47 ]
Post subject:  Will I see an increase with a GTX 260?

Well, it's certainly an upgrade from a 7900GS. Playing the waiting game on hardware is always a bit of a gamble - if you're after newer stuff then Q4 this year for ATi and Q1 2010 for new nVidia cards are the rumours that seem most popular at the minute.

Is that a new 260, or used? 192 or 216 core version? Scan have a 216 core version for £115...

Alternatives are available - a 1GB 4850 (£87) is about level with a 260, while a 4870 1GB (£119) just beats it IIRC.

Author:  ratef42 [ 02 Aug 2009, 23:11 ]
Post subject:  Will I see an increase with a GTX 260?

Thanks for the reply, I've been trying to extend the length of the 7900gs by using extreme overclocking and tweaked drivers etc. But I like how long its lasted me but its finally time to upgrade.

The card im looking at is a used point of view 260 core 216 boxed and everything. Thanks for the recommendations but after some bad experiences with ATI I prefer Nvidia now. :D

Author:  Frag Maniac [ 02 Aug 2009, 23:32 ]
Post subject:  Will I see an increase with a GTX 260?

...after some bad experiences with ATI I prefer Nvidia now. :D
Know what you mean there. I've spent the last 4.5 yrs of my 7.5 yrs of gaming on an X800XT and X1950Pro and the driver support is atrocious. Worse yet, a while ago they stopped driver supporting anything older than the 2000 series GPUs. I will never buy an ATI GPU again, period.

Author:  whismerhill [ 03 Aug 2009, 02:42 ]
Post subject:  Will I see an increase with a GTX 260?

My main culprit with ATI is that they don't have any profile support with application detection.
despite the fact that their so called catalyst AI supports made by ATI profiles with application detection ...

now you can do sort of profiles & special shortcuts that put the profile in place & start the game but that is just a bother to setup
plus you can't play with application specific optimisation, AA compatibility settings, multiGPU (CF) settings...

On the driver side though I got some problems here and there both with ATI & Nvidia, like for example a problem with Oblivion Invisibility effects which affected framerates a lot in specific conditions with a few driver sets & a 8800GTS512

edit: the 260 is definitely a very nice increase over a 7900GS since this is a two generations jump...

Author:  skeeder [ 03 Aug 2009, 04:03 ]
Post subject:  Will I see an increase with a GTX 260?

I went from a 7900GS (it died...sent it in on warrenty) and got a 8800GTX 320MB...the difference...is HUGE. The 260 will probably give you a termindous increase and you would be very pleased for the price.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 03 Aug 2009, 10:45 ]
Post subject:  Will I see an increase with a GTX 260?

Fair enough, ratef42. :)

I use both ATi and nVidia hardware... which I buy at the time tends to seesaw between the two depending on performance/cost and which manufacturers cards have annoyed me more recently. :lol: I was going to get GTX260SLI a while ago because I'd become sort of equally irritated with the two companies... but then the 4870X2 had a large price drop, so I went with that instead... I'd also have needed to get a PSU with 4 PCI-E power leads if I'd gone SLI. Now that ATi have fixed the lack of 5040x1050 in TripleHead, my biggest complaint against ATi's drivers has been nullified.

Author:  JohnnyWakko [ 03 Aug 2009, 13:29 ]
Post subject:  Will I see an increase with a GTX 260?

I went from 8800GTS to 260GTX

Worlds apart!

Author:  erikjanneman [ 03 Aug 2009, 16:02 ]
Post subject:  Will I see an increase with a GTX 260?

6600GT to GTX 275. As expected, big difference :p.

Author:  GeneralAdmission [ 03 Aug 2009, 18:56 ]
Post subject:  Will I see an increase with a GTX 260?

I went from 8800GTS to 260GTX

Worlds apart!

Glad to hear that. I'm looking at this upgrade (later this year) to improve my TH performance.

If a money miracle happens, I might be able to nab a 275. Of course, I need to a new case to fit one of these bad boys. :)

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