Widescreen Gaming Forum

Non-working USB and card reader ports on my Dell 2405FWP
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Author:  RebelliousMind [ 22 Feb 2010, 07:55 ]
Post subject:  Non-working USB and card reader ports on my Dell 2405FWP

None of my USB or card reader slots on my 2405FWP are working. Haven't had any use for them so far so i just basically left them alone but now want to utilize them but can't. I heard something about you needing to connect an upstream USB port cable or something or another. Could someone please explain further and i do believe mine did not come with such a cable. Therefor i would greatly appreciate it if someone could point me in the direction of where i might be able to find one :) Could Dell send me an extra, you think? :)

Thanks in advance!

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 22 Feb 2010, 19:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-working USB and card reader ports on my Dell 2405FWP

There is a USB Type 2 (Type B) plug on the back of the monitor which you need to plug a USB cable in to (which then plugs into a USB port on the motherboard) for the integrated USB/Cardreader to work. The monitor should have come with a type A to type B cable? If you haven't got it, they're not expensive.

Something like this.

Author:  RebelliousMind [ 23 Feb 2010, 04:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-working USB and card reader ports on my Dell 2405FWP

Greatly appreciated, thank you :)

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