Widescreen Gaming Forum

would it be worth to upgrade?
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Author:  potanda [ 14 Jul 2011, 20:30 ]
Post subject:  would it be worth to upgrade?

this is the mother board iv been using http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130290

North bridge AMD 770
South bridge AMD SB710


Northbridge AMD 970
Southbridge AMD SB950

Would i see a noticeable diffidence?

Author:  Skripka [ 15 Jul 2011, 00:40 ]
Post subject:  In terms of performance at

In terms of performance at stock clocks, not much difference to right home about. Only if you have a nice SSD or a device that runs out of bandwidth on USB2.0 would you notice a difference.

However, MSI boards are known to have exploding MOSFETs due to their sub-standard el-cheapo 'fets they use in their AMD mainboards...in combination with no heatsinks and too few power-phases for the job. The combination is fets that are undercooled, suffer thermal-runaway, and pop-sizzle-smoke-fire-fried motherboard and possibly CPU. This is doubly true under overclocking and/or being paired with a Thuban CPU.

Author:  Hubert [ 27 Jul 2011, 17:18 ]
Post subject:  Thanks for sharing the

Thanks for sharing the information with us i hope in future you also updated us.

Author:  kevinf [ 02 Aug 2011, 14:17 ]
Post subject:  Just to expand upon what was

Just to expand upon what was said about MSI motherboards, here is a great resource for those reading this thread:
it has a clear list of all the motherboard failures reported, and 75% of that list is MSI.

Author:  Seraph [ 06 Aug 2011, 02:39 ]
Post subject:  I actually just made a

I actually just made a similar upgrade from that SAME motherboard you're using now. This is the mobo I went with: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157243

It's the same price as the one you showed ($100). It's Sata 6gb / AM3+ / USB 3.0. Best of all it's got two PCIE slots so you can crossfire/SLI if you decide you want to do that. I'd say it's a worthwhile upgrade, especially if you're thinking about an SSD.

Author:  rrplay [ 15 Aug 2011, 02:02 ]
Post subject:  kevinf wrote:Just to expand

Just to expand upon what was said about MSI motherboards, here is a great resource for those reading this thread:
it has a clear list of all the motherboard failures reported, and 75% of that list is MSI.

Thanks for this thread and your post ! glad i signed up in this forum because this explains a lot to me as to what the difference in quality are.

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