Widescreen Gaming Forum

Any laptops run 3x30" portrait 4800x2560?
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Author:  sethseth [ 25 Jan 2012, 21:29 ]
Post subject:  Any laptops run 3x30" portrait 4800x2560?

I am not a gamer, I just use it for work, and maybe videos every now and then. I see the new displayport 1.2 appears to support this number of pixels so I thought I would check if a laptop exists that could run this setup yet, but I'm not sure which video cards the laptops would need to have. I also can't find the hardware to split a single displayport 1.2 into multiple, even though wikipedia says this hub exists. Bezel management would be good for watching videos, although i believe this means it would have to support MORE than 4800x2560 res right? Would the 3rd party triple head solutions allow for any bezel management?

Author:  ugzz [ 26 Jan 2012, 21:54 ]
Post subject:  I'm not entirely sure if

I'm not entirely sure if triple head can go up that high, the only stuff i have used was ancient and pretty resolution limited.
As far as just a laptop, again your pretty screwed as most laptops have a VGA connector, which definitely wont scale up that high, from what i understand they tend to conk out around 2048x1536 as the top end.

to get higher you need displayport / hdmi / or dvi.
now i have seen docks with an hdmi on the side and a dvi on the back. and in fact some companies do have video cards that allow both to function. So you can do Dual monitors at high res. But not 3.

while it may exist, i have yet to see a laptop with a triple monitor configuration out of the box.

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 27 Jan 2012, 10:41 ]
Post subject:  Those hubs may exist in labs,

Those hubs may exist in labs, but no consumer products exist yet. On that note, DP 1.2 can do 3x2560x1440@60Hz whereas it can only go 3x2560x1600@58Hz (it maybe lower as resolution tend to have some bandwidth overhead). I'd say, your best bet is to get a laptop where you can add a pci-e external port and add a GFX card there (probably only going to be 1x but it'll work) then run eyefinity from there. It's a ghetto solution, but i think it's the only viable solution atm.

Author:  sethseth [ 04 Feb 2012, 01:11 ]
Post subject:  How do I find out which

How do I find out which laptops support this external PCI solution?

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 04 Feb 2012, 11:59 ]
Post subject:  Quick google search:

Quick google search: http://www.techradar.com/news/computing-components/graphics-cards/how-to-make-an-external-laptop-graphics-adaptor-915616

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