Widescreen Gaming Forum

Networking/Port forwarding issues
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Author:  nips_uk [ 03 Mar 2012, 04:12 ]
Post subject:  Networking/Port forwarding issues


wondering if some people could help me out. Im having some networking issues to do with port forwarding. My network setup before was like this:

ADSL --> TP-Link TD-8610+ Modem --> Linksys WRT54G --> PCs wired and wireless (wired had static IPs)

This setup was fine, port forwarding worked, uTorrent, Tunngle etc, remote connections, etc had no problems.

However last week i changed my network to this:

ADSL --> Linksys ADSL2MUE modem --> Linksys WRT54G --> TP-Link TL-SF1024 --> Wired PCs (static IPs)
--> TP-Link TL-SF1016 --> Wired Pcs (static IPs)

All PCs (wired and wireless) get internet, can transfer files across the network and can all connect to network hosted games, but uTorrent, Tunngle and 3 port testing programs all say that my ports are closed or unaccessible.

The Linksys ADSLMUE dials the PPPoE, the Linksys WRT54G deals with the DHCP servers and the switches just work (!)

If someone could shed some light on this (as im not great at networking) and help me out, that would be awesome!

Many Thanks


Author:  Gilly [ 04 Mar 2012, 10:59 ]
Post subject:  Does the ADSLMUE have any

Does the ADSLMUE have any sort of port forwarding? Or NAT/ Firewall? Maybe enabling a DMZ to the IP address of the WRT54G would help (should allow everything through transparently).

Author:  nips_uk [ 05 Mar 2012, 01:55 ]
Post subject:  Gilly wrote:Does the ADSLMUE

Does the ADSLMUE have any sort of port forwarding? Or NAT/ Firewall? Maybe enabling a DMZ to the IP address of the WRT54G would help (should allow everything through transparently).

The ADSLMUE doesnt have any port forwarding, it has:

Setup (basic setup) tab - PPPoE login info
Setup (network setup) tab - Local IP and DHCP sever (disabled)
Administration (security)
Administration (system log)
Administration (diagnostics)
Administration (factory default)
Administration (firmware upgrade)

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