Widescreen Gaming Forum

Video grunt vs CPU Grunt?
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Author:  Zorro [ 08 Jul 2012, 10:57 ]
Post subject:  Video grunt vs CPU Grunt?

Here we go. The two set up's. A. Quad core CPU @ 3.6 GHZ running FSX using a single 3GB GTX 580 @ 2560 x 1400 for a single monitor, B, verses a Quad core CPU @ 3.6 GHZ running FSX using three GTX 580's for each monitor (3 monitors) @ 2560 x 1440. To run the extra monitors at that configuration, will it require more CPU grunt ? Thus the adding of a card and monitor adding extra stress on the CPU = lower frames? Is the rendering of pixels a CPU agenda verses a GPU agenda?
A bonus question. If it is CPU dependent, could a second or third computer be daisy chained to run the other monitors, thus fluid frame rates for FSX? Thus each monitor has it's own CPU and GPU. Extra bonus bonus question. what is needed to do this if required?

Thank you for any responses.

Author:  Gilly [ 09 Jul 2012, 07:38 ]
Post subject:  What quad core CPU are we

What quad core CPU are we talking about?

But I think generally it should be fine with that CPU :) (Unless it is maybe like a Q6600)

Author:  Wijkert [ 30 Aug 2012, 13:31 ]
Post subject:  Ignore post above, seems we

The higher the resolution you game on, the more the gpu is stressed. So basicly, you won't be bottlenecked by your cpu. Theoretically though, the more gpu horsepower you have, the more likely it becomes that the cpu will be the bottleneck. This is not the case with 580 trifire though. But as Gilly already said, it matters which cpu you have.

Author:  Skid [ 30 Aug 2012, 13:36 ]
Post subject:  Wijkert wrote:Ignore post

Ignore post above, seems we are getting spammed.

Too slow, already gone ^^
The higher the resolution you game on, the more the gpu is stressed. So basicly, you won't be bottlenecked by your cpu. But as Gilly already said, it matters which one you have though.

This is true for most games, but there are some games that are heavily CPU bound, so you might get games that do bugger all on the GPU but hammer the CPU.

In general how much CPU power you need depends on the game, not the resolution, the GPU requirements will depend on the game and settings, which include your display resolution. If your quote core is a 2500k or something like then you should be fine.

Author:  Wijkert [ 30 Aug 2012, 16:18 ]
Post subject:  Skid wrote:Wijkert wrote:The

[quote]The higher the resolution you game on, the more the gpu is stressed. So basicly, you won't be bottlenecked by your cpu. But as Gilly already said, it matters which one you have though.

This is true for most games, but there are some games that are heavily CPU bound, so you might get games that do bugger all on the GPU but hammer the CPU.

In general how much CPU power you need depends on the game, not the resolution, the GPU requirements will depend on the game and settings, which include your display resolution. If your quote core is a 2500k or something like then you should be fine.

Yes you are right, but since almost all games are gpu bound, my original comment is almost always true. If you set a game to the lowest resolution you can differentiate between different cpu’s (because they from the bottleneck). Since triple wide gamers do the opposite and play on very high resolutions it is even less likely that the cpu is a bottleneck. Can still happen in some games though (e.g. Civilization 5).

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