Widescreen Gaming Forum

New computer speakers to replace klipsch promedia ultra 5.1
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Author:  Am2Widescreen [ 16 Apr 2013, 03:51 ]
Post subject:  New computer speakers to replace klipsch promedia ultra 5.1

I was wondering what I should replace my speaker set with. They are difinatly dieing a fast death not turning on interferince I can not get rid of. So here is what I have already. I have 2 book shelf speakers a center bookshelf speaker. This is what I am looking to power them with and a sub.
I am getting the back speakers later. I will just use the old speakers from the 5.1 I had before. What do you think about this mix will it work is it worth it. Is it a good sub and Receiver?

Author:  Am2Widescreen [ 26 Apr 2013, 01:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: New computer speakers to replace klipsch promedia ultra

I ordered the subwoofer got a pioneer vsx 523k reciever. So I probaly will do a review some point in time maybe pictures.

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