Widescreen Gaming Forum

New To Widescreen, Looking For Critique
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Author:  Strill [ 04 Aug 2015, 01:27 ]
Post subject:  New To Widescreen, Looking For Critique

I've been wanting a widescreen set up for a long time, and I'm finally in the position where I can try for it. I'd like a critique of my current plans, so I know whether my assumptions are right.

My plan is to have a PLP setup with a 29" 21:9 2560x1080 ultra-wide monitor for the center, and two 23" 16:9 1920x1080 monitors for the side. I also plan to have a non-gaming monitor mounted above the center monitor.

These are my assumptions from the research I have done: Please correct me if I'm wrong.

  • The ultra-wide monitor means bezels are pushed more towards the periphery, and are less noticeable than with three matched monitors
  • The ultra-wide center monitor allows me greater flexibility in games that do not fully support widescreen modes, since I can compromise by only using the center monitor.
  • I'm not losing much peripheral view from going with PLP over LLL
  • What peripheral view I am losing is often stretched and unsightly, and can be disorienting.
  • This setup's resolution should be 4720x1080
  • I am gaining significant performance compared to LLL due to the lower resolution
  • Both monitors are 95.8PPI
  • AMD cards support a PLP setup
  • Eyefinity is no longer finicky or annoying to switch between for gaming and non-gaming.

Is there a combination of resolutions you would recommend for PLP over the ones I've linked?

Author:  Haldi [ 04 Aug 2015, 03:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: New To Widescreen, Looking For Critique

Strill wrote:
I am gaining significant performance compared to LLL due to the lower resolution

Well... significant is something other... You're going 4720*1080 instead of 6400*1080 so it's a 5.1MP instead of 6.9MP
You can see the performance gain the new Witcher 3 Benchmark. Your configuration is about the same Pixels as the benched 3440x1440 21:9 while a LLL configuration would be more than the 5760*1080 and less than the 4k 3840*2160

Strill wrote:
AMD cards support a PLP setup

Well.... most of the new ones do.... just make sure to check that properly before blingly buing a card.

oh..... and :welcome

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