Widescreen Gaming Forum

BioShock Infinite (Triple Monitors / Eyefinity / Surround) [
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Author:  Skid [ 29 Mar 2013, 00:34 ]
Post subject:  BioShock Infinite (Triple Monitors / Eyefinity / Surround) [

BioShock Infinite is a first person shooter with some RPG elements, it has great multi-monitor support. It should detect your desktop resolution automatically on launch, it's horizontal plus, and has centred HUDs and menus on both NVIDIA and AMD cards, however some AMD users are reporting issues with none centred HUDs. The developers even went so far as to put "Multi-monitor" in the aspect ratio selection within the options.

The videos themselves are pretty much just the first section of the game with a little bit of commentary and multi-monitor information given at the start, feel free to like or dislike my video and comment are always welcome too.

Direct Video Link: BioShock Infinite Part 1 (Triple Monitors / Eyefinity / Surround) [~4K]

Direct Video Link: BioShock Infinite Part 2 (Triple Monitors / Eyefinity / Surround) [~4K]
Channel Link: http://www.youtube.com/user/n11skid

While this video can be watched on any screen it has been encoded to look best on a multi-monitor system, so if your running such a system, then select original quality from the drop down box and watch in fullscreen.

Some screenshots can be found here.

Author:  SleepyHollow [ 21 Apr 2013, 06:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: BioShock Infinite (Triple Monitors / Eyefinity / Surroun

Although I'm cool playing the game in my 23 inch Samsung monitor, I'm still considering building an Eyefinity setup.

Been playing it for a couple of weeks now at least an hour a day and I find the visuals astonishing, I've used a BioShock Infinite walkthrough for sidequests and still find the game very challenging.

I have Radeon HD 6950 and I wonder if it can handle Eyefinity perfectly.

Author:  Haldi [ 21 Apr 2013, 13:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: BioShock Infinite (Triple Monitors / Eyefinity / Surroun

You certainly won't be able to handle very high details on 5760x1080.
But if you have the 2gb VRAM version you might be able to do middle or high settings in 40-60 FPS

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